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Everything posted by veganline

  1. This looks promising. First, ignore the word "title" near the top of the breadcrumb template; that's a decoy and means the layer above. Then at about line 34-38 in themes/niara/breadcrumb.tpl , replace the line <a href="#" title="{$breadcrumb.title}" itemprop="item"> {else} <a href="#" title="{$product->description}" itemprop="item"> <span itemprop="name">{$breadcrumb.title}</span> </a> {/if} {$product->meta_title} works too. Any comments and suggestions welcome - I've only just discovered this and it might break something else. And is there a way of searching for category descriptions as well as product descriptions?
  2. I struck gold with some code to show descriptions on mousover of the manufacturer logo - the post is here - but I had no idea what I was doing, and how to show descriptions on mousover of breadcrumb links. I know that in html, a link with TITLE="bla" shows "bla" on mousover of the link; it shows in a little yellow box. I know that thirtybees breadcrumb links just say nothing on mousover, or blurt-out what you have just read already if they are the last link. On the demo site, mousover "Coffee and Tea" to see "Coffee and Tea" in a yellow box. Does anyone know how to change this so that the description for the coffee and tea category shows on mousover? Or where to look and learn how to do it?
  3. Haggling: Seller: I want 10 x income and a farm! Buyer: I'll give you 10 x income and a potato. Seller: [something bullish] Buyer: Talk next month then; see if you can find a better offfer
  4. I've just found more links on the waterfall-thing. One is called "View all images", at the bottom of the "Waterfall View" section, just above "Connection View". The odd thing is this: https://canelis.de/themes/theme1454/img/ajax-loader-page.gif This is what I see for a second or two at each page change, viewing from the UK. and it is listed as "ajax loader". I'm not sure what bit of code is called at each page load, but someone somewhere knows how to work it out.
  5. I run a low budget site using Cloudflare, just for the free shared secure server certificate. (If I ever got a rush of visitors from headline infamy, or a mention on TV, or PR and advertising, that would be another reason but not yet 🌝) https://www.webpagetest.org/result/200716_VE_ea4468fd31104cc89bc4d78c0e1de17e/1/details/ ..shows a shelf on the waterfall which is something to do with the secure server. The Canalis one is done in a different way to mine, via Lets Encrypt, but the delay is the same. I don't know if there is any free and easy solution. The image slider module looks good. I don't think I have seen a site before where I want to see another image slide onto the top of the home page, but if it's pictures of cats, it looks OK to me. It may delay interest on a slow server. Foto02.jpg was the one I downloaded, opened in paint.net, and tried to save at different sizes while looking at the ginger cat's eyes and whiskers. Below 100KB there is a rapid reduction in detail, but above 100KB there is not much gain, and 100KB is about 13% of the 1.1MB image that my laptop got. When I first open the site I see a kind of dotted spiral for a second or so. I suppose this is a sign of it being slow to load from the UK, but it's unusual; I have not seen it before. I see the same on each page change. Ordering, I saw a default 5-page checkout. Someone here has reduced it to three pages with exactly the same functions, which might be quicker for your customers on the bus. There's also the Chex module, which looks smart and neat and uses only one page so it might pay for itself https://store.getdatakick.com/en/modules/chex-one-page-checkout There is something in the tips and tricks section about doing a one page checkout for free, but it blocks-out the account functions of Thirtybees (forgetting to do it on emails) so it might not suit cat customers who want an account for quicker ordering next time. My test order was too small for the minimum €15 order, which is a lot of cat food. If German post is like most post, there is a cheap option for anything under 2kg with primitive tracking or none. Maybe this would be a good default option, for people who do not want to order enough cat food to justify a courier. There are niche-market cat foods with seaweed extracts that provide the nutrition a cat needs while containing no meat. A niche market product could be good for attracting interest. I don't know where to get the stuff though. Good luck with the site John ---------------------17/07/20 If it's on Netcup hosting at €1.94 x 12 a year including 16% VAT, (http://archive.is/9mLYV ) that's quite a discovery! A quick google of cheap servers like Hostinger shows prices more than double, but on the other hand such a cheap server is going to need huge attention to image download size and more. For the speed, maybe the free Heliohost would be just as good and charge nothing at all.
  6. If you can spot the booby-trap, their free Prestashop 1.6 subscriptions module is here: https://module-presta.com/subscriptions.html Their 360 spin module for PS1.6 broke my test site, though, and their other free modules much the same . Errors build-up over a few days until they break the site. I had forgotten to keep backups. No wonder they making a living fixing faults in their own modules for $40 a time. Apart from the booby-traps (unintentional I hope) the modules look neatly-coded and worth fixing. I mentioned another PS1.6 module further up the thread as well.
  7. SOLVED [prestashop.com/forums/profile/1523298-jbw/](https://www.prestashop.com/forums/profile/1523298-jbw/) is working on a module to do this it says here [prestashop.com/forums/topic/623011-17-save-customization-when-add-to-cart/?tab=comments#comment-3236236](https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/623011-17-save-customization-when-add-to-cart/?tab=comments#comment-3236236)- ready for both Prestashops and Thirtybees. He sells finished modules for about €50 or $50 on [https://addons.prestashop.com/en/2_community-developer?contributor=1035467](https://addons.prestashop.com/en/2_community-developer?contributor=1035467) He might quote a price for a pre-release version, if there is nothing finished for sale yet or nothing on other download sites.
  8. veganline

    Shop Now Link

    back office > modules and services > modules and services > image slider module > configure It's a good module for making people think "wow" when first looking at a web template, but I guess that most merchants turn it off or delete it on their own sites after looking at it for a while. I don't have a copy installed to see how it works but the instructions should point an image to a category, such as "tea" ------edit If you can set-up a demo shop easily, one way of getting to know it is to try to disable everything, then re-enable things to find out whether you want them. The minimum default is just a single horizonal line above the footer section; everything else can be disabled. On the other hand, the categories module takes a bit of googling and thought to enable on the front page while the layered navigation module doesn't suit the front page and probably can't go there at all.
  9. maybe "installed modules translations" localisation > translations > installed modules translations | Niara | language > expand all fieldsets > control+F .... to find the phrase . I could be wrong though.

    Answer to your question

  11. Answer to your question on the goodbye thread

  12. @jaen (from the goodbye thread - I'll message her) I think your post might get an answer in this thread, but it's hard. The people who know which free software suits which small firms are people who make a living selling web sites, so they might not read this forum and post an answer. Maybe somewhere there is an online guide that says... If your business doesnt't need to count stock in and out; if you never run-out, then just put a paypal "buy" button on a wix site, and build from there. I use Mal's e-commerce which is the same idea and allows access to card details and a slight choice of online card processors. When it came-out, shopkeepers could just type the card number into their usual card machine and I expect that's still possible. That allows the shopkeeper to use the same system for online and face-to-face orders, which is always a headache to organise. If you do need to count stock in and out but nothing else, Thirtybees is a bit heavy. It takes a lot of forum support or a bit of paid support to get going. It expects you to use an account for each customer. A 3-stage checkout so you choose the right card processor and courier for your place in the world. These could be over-ridden in a simplified default version but nobody has done it. It doesn't work on Freemium server space like Attractsoft or Byethost. It works on cheap space, but not free. Maybe someone would give a grant to fund space or donate it. On the other hand Thirtybees is a lot less gross, bloated, heavy, than Magento and the TB version is a lot more stable than its predecessor called PS1.6. Some merchants ask what else they can combine into the same bundle of software, which is above my head. Someone on this forum suggests connecting to the free ERPnext software, whatever that is. Looking at the carts on Installatron, Fantastico or Softaculous, there might be a simpler one for simpler needs - maybe Litecart? I wrote notes to myself years ago but was unsure, and Installatron / Fantastico / Softaculous have different software ranges. They're important if you want to reduce support costs by making installation simple. This is a long way of saying that I don't know, but better than no reply I hope John ---------------11.07.2020 If you have just tested a lot of shopping cart softare, you might see bits of... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_shopping_cart_software ...that you could make more helpful. Better information would help your small organisations; you could point them to it. For example Prestashop is listed as importing and exporting data. My impression is that it takes a lot of googling and a day's unpaid work to find out how, but that's what the wiki page says.
  13. Do they still have minimum payouts? Maybe that was a decade ago.
  14. The problem isn't you or Softaculous; other people have found that a TB doesn't quite fit on any of the Vistapanel / Byethost / Infinityfree servers. I had a go at installing on the other chain of free servers - the ones that run Zacky installer run by Atractsoft such as Awardspace. No luck either, and harder to try because no Softaculous. If you find a free one that hosts Thirtybees that would be great. If you're looking-around cheap or free servers with easy installs, Fantastico and Softulicious run Thirtybees; Installatron didn't last time I looked. Hostinger has cheapish options and has been tested with thirtybees. I use Hosting.co.uk 's cheapest option which needs a secure server added - possibly free but tricky.
  15. I need to make this work: You can see a set of instructions on the thread that doesn't quite work on a default install. I'd pay someone to write a set of instructions that do work, and take it from there. Preferably someone who knows thirtybees well, as my previous paid installation only lasted a couple of months. [This is the application](http://archive.is/9fQZ3), ([live link](https://veganline.com/r/gifts/candle)) as far as I have got with default modules. The customer has to press "save", watch the page refresh and loose all signs of saving, then bravely press "add to cart". It works with no ajax cart as it should. I have changed files [here](https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/462719-remove-save-button-of-customization-field/?tab=comments#comment-2122620), but the one button solution / ajax cart doesn't work. At best it gets "Please fill in all of the required fields, and then save your customizations." on the a blank cart page. I've had an offer to organise crowdfunding of a €600-ish module, if enough people are interested, but meanwhile a set of instructions is all I need. Offers welcome.
  16. Looking for work-arounds, does anyone know a good module for this? I see a simple solution on https://www.kakkupaperi.fi/en/cake-toppers/the-moomins/the-moomins-moomin-lovely-tree-edible-cake-topper.html#/2-paper_type-vanilla_paper/4-size-a5/21-shape-rectangle/57-background_color-yellow Two buttons. "save customization" displays the new text in bold, for re-assurance, until "add to cart" is pressed. This is better than the default which refreshes the page and looses the customisation until the customer might see it on the layer cart a couple of clicks later.
  17. paid help welcome.🙂 My customers don't need to order more than one belt at a time; I take out that part of the product template. Don't know if that makes fixes easier.
  18. I can play-around with email templates, but how do I edit what their smarty tags call ? I want to make two emails exactly the same, and can do the html part, but it looks as though I need to edit the {products} tag to make it work like the {items} tag, and the tags dont work if swapped around. From bo> localization >email templates > etc> core emails > order.conf uses a {products} tag mailalerts > new_order uses an {items} tag core emails > order.conf garbles customizations a little; it adds the product name and price twice, although the total is OK mailalerts > new_order copes better I'm sure there are other work-arounds (I could find some email service that sends new_order to the customer), but it would be good to know how smarty tags work any help welcome John
  19. veganline

    MyPay dot com

    If legit, they must be selling someone else's service if so hard to track-down. If it's UK-based, you could ask how it's registered at the financial conduct authority. I googled that + "Nochex" and found an example https://register.fca.org.uk/ShPo_FirmDetailsPage?id=001b000000m4IXEAA2
  20. It seems very fancy at first, then you realise that it has built-in bugs that require lifelong paid support (this is just a cross-reference for anyone looking for one page checkouts)
  21. SLiCK: you are not the only one - plenty of replies on this thread too
  22. My scale of business is too small to need ERP next, I guess. Anyone with Installatron on their server can do a quick automatic install. Softulicious has Thirtybees but no ERP next Installatron has no Thirtybees but has ERP next Fantastico has Thirtybees but no ERP next
  23. Greenmousestudio.com is based in Poland and sells sensible Thirtybees-compatible modules with a link from this site. Their list of services mentions "optimization" rather than "migrate, repair, change, modify ..without complaining 'who worked on this store....fucked it up so much" 🙂 I don't know any more. https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/administration/prestashop-to-thirty-bees-migrator is a free migration module. None of the "certified developer" list ... https://thirtybees.com/partners/certified-developers/ is based in Poland. I hope someone finds you a better answer; good luck with your searches. (PS Mbit.ie is the website, I think, for a part-time Polish-speaking Prestashop freelancer who did a quick non-updatable-fix for me; he hadn't worked on Thirtybees before but seemed helpful)
  24. I'm not buying or connected to buyers. Just someone who explored the price on a google doc that the seller put-up a while ago, now deleted and re-written. My post is just about the sticking point, as I saw it. Maybe relevant to questions here, asking why no news. I'm glad this thread says that things have moved-on, and hope for good news.
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