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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. Damn my memory was wrong. I haven't implemented it for price-drops. Can you tell me what error you get? As the code you posted make sense to me. So I am not sure where the problem is...
  2. I have implemented this in our shop. But I am not at the computer now. I will post my override later... Do you use advanced stock management?
  3. You are welcome
  4. Yeah it would be correct as you describe (theme folder) it. It sounds a bit strange to me, that nothing happens. I am not at a computer with code editor right now. Maybe instead {if $child.id!=yourID} is correct...
  5. Why not? What happens?
  6. You could probably just change the blockcategories.tpl a bit: {foreach from=$blockCategTree.children item=child name=blockCategTree} {if $child.id_category!=yourID} {if $smarty.foreach.blockCategTree.last} {include file="$branche_tpl_path" node=$child last='true'} {else} {include file="$branche_tpl_path" node=$child} {/if} {/if} {/foreach} The above might work. I didn't test it...
  7. About which categories are you talking? The module blockcategories?
  8. Yeah the main url is redirecting to /items/. But for me (Chrome) this just works. Sometimes things are strange
  9. I just tried to reach your site. It worked for me...
  10. Yep thats likely to issue... Please dont' forget to update this thread later...
  11. Then threre could be an issue with your browser. Have you tried to delete your browser cache? You could also try to check browser console: https://kb.mailster.co/how-can-i-open-the-browsers-console/ If the console has errors, please make a screenshot of it.
  12. Main menu...
  13. Oh thats not how it should look like. Have you already created a category? You can do that in the main menu on the left side... Maybe that helps.
  14. Dont you have the categories tab on the left side?
  15. @Mark do you use multistore feature? If yes, select the switch on the top, to update all fields...
  16. Wir lösen das auch über die Menge. Wenn ein Produkt in Zukunft wieder verfügbar ist, wird es so dargestellt: https://www.spielezar.ch/brettspiele/fluegelschlag. Dieses Produkt kann nur über Google oder die interne Suche gefunden werden. In den Kategorien lassen wir es nicht mehr anzeigen. Dafür waren einige kleinere Änderungen in TB nötig, aber bisher bewährt sich diese Variante bei uns. Ist ein Produkt aber definitiv vergriffen, nehmen wir es von der Seite. Ist die Url irgendwie wertvoll (da Rankings oder Backlinks) wird die Seite sicher irgendwohin weitergeleitet.
  17. I have never used this module. Seems to be quite old. My guess is, that the problem comes from the module. Two questions: Do you use any module that overrides the reference number? Did this module work correct in prestashop?
  18. Which module is used to process the payment? I don't know much about the process, but maybe this module is always assigning the same oder reference? :S
  19. wakabayashi

    modify url

    Yeah it's not possible there. I am not sure how this urls are generated. Sometimes surely with JS. But why do you wanna change it? For Seo?
  20. What is this module good for? Is this for google shopping? I believe there should be enough (paid) modules, which are working with tb. As far as I understand form ps forum. This module was never really updated for 1.6. If this is true, then it's clear, that it won't work on tb too.
  21. I would love this too. But I would prefer it to be in the core or at least open source. So in my opinion a crowdfunding project would be better.
  22. wakabayashi

    Font Size

    You really should do this with css and not with inline editor. Styling is the reason, why css was introduced...
  23. wakabayashi

    Font Size

    Such css cases are almost impossible to solve without a link...
  24. I have no idea about such old PS Versions to be honest. I would just try this stuff with a test just and write everything down. Once you have figured out a clean way to do it. You repeat the steps in reality.
  25. I am not 100% sure, but I would guess that it has to todo with php configuration. I would check your php.ini file.
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