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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. @schmuck-checker danke für den Hinweis! Bist du also wieder zurück? @Traumflug kannst du dir das kurz ansehen? Hier gehts direkt zum github Link aus dem PS Forum: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/4741/files
  2. I know the fact, that emails are displayed differently between different softwares and hosters. But I don't understand why you include the images as something like: "https://www.genzo.ch/module/revws/EmailAction?id=109&action=get-image&image-id=8585&image-type=home_default&secret=e3924af42551cb03aba93ce14d2ea5ca" Why not just the real url? In which case does the normal url not work? Btw: Thanks for adding the other stuff 🙂
  3. I would dig deeper into it. What is the problem? You said the screen hangs. Is it just a blank white page? Do you have the debug mode on? Btw: in our country there exit also addresses without numbers. If you make it mandatory, be sure that in your shipping countries it cant be an issue...
  4. Great! Often thats the start of everything 🙂 Was the same with me... Then you slowly dig into js manipulation or change small stuff in php and so on... IMO its just reading, learning and practicing. It's not magic, but the start is often a bit difficult.
  5. wakabayashi

    blog or cms ?

    Hard to tell. I am not a big fan of wordpress in combination with tb. Cause you will probably need to have a bridge, that lets you include product data in wordpress and vice versa. On the other hand the cms pages are very basic. If you don't know about html and css, you will never achieve nice landing pages. Even if you know html and css its kind of unhandy. I for myself use a blog module thirtybees and add our "content" there.
  6. FileZilla is ok, but I never go with right click edit. I always save the file locally, edit/save it and then reupload.
  7. Hard to tell what was wrong. Maybe the file never got changed!?
  8. Download the file with filezilla. Open it with an editor and check if the changes are in there...
  9. @jfnewell1965 you need to view your settings under "performance"
  10. I agree. But one thing confuses me. Why Never recompile templates? He should select always recompile or when changes!?
  11. Hm somehow this didn't workout (tried 1.0.4). I got an error, that modules couln't be removed. It still shows 1.0.8 but somehow I can't even compare the version now...
  12. Yes 1.0.3 was working for me. The problem is: I use nginx and I don't understand it. So can't 100% that TB is broken now or my nginx is broken. Edit: @Traumflug can I just downgrade with your module to 1.0.3 and see if it works again?
  13. @LucaSabatoUK probably this is just not working as it should. But its very good that you confirm the issue, that helps the developers.
  14. @Traumflug yes virtual urls was working for me before. I used it only for testing purposes. But I can go with subdomains as well. In real live I am also not sure, why it's useful. Why wouldn't you have a real domain per shop :S @gelnn you need to define this in cpanel or plesk. There you can link a domain/subdomain to a folder on your server. You need to link the subdomain to the folder where thirtybees is installed.
  15. so you added a subdomain in cpanel/plesk, changed the folder in cpanel/plesk and used it for store2?
  16. The configuration is correct. It has to be 2 main urls. Have you tried to work with a subdomain instead of virtual shop? I have a similair issue in my testshop... Edit: It's interesting that I can make it work with multiple domains/subdomains. But not with virtual directories. Do you know something about your server configuration? Do you use Nginx? @Traumflug Do you have any idea, what could be the issue? Maybe you remember my "nginx problem". It's really interesting that instead of genzo.ch/chesspoint/ a setup with chesspoint.genzo.ch works.
  17. Yeah it needs some experience to understand how everything works. In general you should look around for tpl and css files. When I started I often did search for ids in all files. For example you want to find the files for homeslider, you check in your browser inspection tool the id. It is "homepage-slider". Then you search for this and find the files. But keep in mind that you should always make changes in the theme folder and not direct in the modules folder. @tommat gave you the right paths for this...
  18. Can you show your urls setting for multistore? Are you using physical or virtual directories?
  19. Did I understand you right, that you will add the multistore saving and the half stars in a future release? That would help me a lot... I have noticed that the image problem in the email occurs mainly in gmail. There the image is not displayed. The links are working for me now.
  20. I am trying to implement the pro version into my shop and have a few question: - Is it not possible to have different settings per shop (multistore)? - Is it not possible to show half stars? I have too many 5 star ratings... Would prefer to see some 4,5. - Are you sure the images/links in the review request are working? I just tried a test email to myself and it doesn't work. But ok I will look deeper into it. Maybe something on my side is wrong :S - What does the order status for review request mean? Does it take the history into account or only the status, which is set now?
  21. I would also look into the them. In such cases I test this always on second installation. There you can try to switch the theme completly or just overwrite the checkout tpl files. If it solves the problem, you know that it's the theme. Once you know this you can dig deeper into it.
  22. Ah sorry, I got you wrong... You are talking about the same product. Thats possible. As you wrote its in product edit tab. What is not possible: Define a rule like: If costumer buys Product A, Product B and Product C. Give him cheapest product for free or so.
  23. As far as I know, this is not possible without a module.
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