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Everything posted by 30knees

  1. Danke. Der Support meinte, das sei normal...aber ich finde das so absurd. Daher habe ich nochmals nachgefragt. Nicht, dass ich vom Support missverstanden wurde.
  2. @BatmanIch teste gerade Billbee und der UmSt-Satz der Artikel wird aus dem Shop nicht übernommen sondern bekommt den "Standardsatz" aus Billbee zugewiesen. Ist das bei Dir auch so? Wir haben sowohl 7% und 19% Artikel.
  3. I'll take you up on the idea to vote for features, @wakabayashi! 🙂 Nice to see you. YES! is a strong vote and OK! is a normal vote. 😄
  4. I don't know what could cause that but I'm running bleeding edge and it doesn't happen.
  5. One this I just noticed in my store (and I'm not even sure it's the fix, though it's the first time I'm noticing it). On the invoice, some products show the Base price and the others don't. The products all have the same price settings. Do you have an idea why this may be?
  6. I'm also looking for that. I can't find where the "From" is coded, unfortunately.
  7. I use Chex. 🙂 Is anybody in the forum interested in this besides me? I could perhaps fund this if so. Or this route...what module do you use?
  8. But what about commenting on the reason that the copyright notices you introduced apparently make the incorporation of your code illegal? Not infringing on your copyright (and perhaps messing up how thirtybees can be forked) does not sound like an excuse to me but a very wise decision.
  9. I see. And would a hack be possible where you give a discount code that is tied to specific payment method? I see that cart rules can be tied to a carrier.
  10. I'm looking for the possibility to give a discount if a certain payment method is used. Did you find a solution?
  11. Unfortunately, I don't understand the technical intricacies about introducing code from each fork. Independent of that, I feel cooperation would be better (assuming Traumflug doesn't want to contribute to thirtybees (and Merchant's Edition) and earn his money as an established partner and contributor).
  12. Nice! I saw that you implemented thirtybees's bug fixes etc. Do bug fixes also go from Merchant's to thirtybees?
  13. It looks good to me, thank you! 🙂 Will it flow into the 1.2.x version, too, or shall I update the live store to the main version?
  14. I'm still using Coingate with this fix: https://github.com/coingate/prestashop-plugin/pull/11/files See
  15. Fantastic, thank you! I don't have a testing server. I'll set one up.
  16. Das klingt sehr gut, danke! Irgendwann will ich die ganzen Dienste näher vergleichen. Für uns wärem die wichtigsten Funktionen: MHD/Chargen-Management Amazon-Anbindung * Nett wären: Bestandsverwaltung via Barcode o.ä. DHL-Anbindung * Die mit * markierten Funktionen haben aber wohl alle Dienste.
  17. Just as a side note, there are also services that do things like syncing to Amazon, eg in English https://www.plentymarkets.co.uk/ or in German https://www.billbee.io/ They require a subscription, though, but offer more than just marketplace sync.
  18. I think the minimum would be: Import - orders Export - Stock quantities - order status (ie shipped) The other stuff is nice to have but not necessary, as you can do that in Amazon itself.
  19. Hi @datakick What's the difference between 'bind, 'constant', and 'interpolate' for values? I'd just like to change the order status from 1 to 2. Thanks!
  20. Hallo, wir schauen uns Dienste an, die sowohl als WaWi und als Verbindungsstück zu Amazon, DHL, usw. dienen können, zumal es immer weniger Module gibt, die PS 1.6 unterstützen. Unser jetziges Amazon-Modul bietet z.B. keinen Support mehr für PS 1.6 an. Dabei haben wir folgende Dienste entdeckt und ich wollte fragen, ob jemand hier Erfahrungen damit hat. Plentymarkets: https://www.plentymarkets.eu/produkt/ Dreamrobot: https://www.dreamrobot.de/info/ecommerce-wawi/ Billbee: https://www.billbee.io/funktionen/ Reybex: https://www.reybex.com/funktionen/
  21. First time opened in Brave it hung. In Safari it didn't. Second time in Brave it worked.
  22. 30knees

    Demo site

    Yep, gladly! Let me know when it's ready for us to do so.
  23. 30knees

    Demo site

    Exact same words here, too. 🙂
  24. Ah, that's a pity. Most modules aren't that good. I'd have thought there's quite a large market considering how Amazon domininates online shopping. Also, especially now in the EU with Amazon having expanded into a number of new countries that aren't supported by the old versions of the modules for PS 1.6, only the newer ones for PS 1.7.
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