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Everything posted by datakick

  1. Sure, that's what github is for. To track known bugs and enhancement requests
  2. This is known bug, still not solved 😞 When updater updates a module, it removes the entire directory, and then unpacks the new module version. This deletes all files inside the module folder. Proposed solution is to update these modules so they do not store their content inside module directory. For more info, read here
  3. Also, note that some themes (usually the one based on community theme) have their own copies of these template files located in /themes/<theme name>/modules/beesblog/views/templates/front/post.tpl /themes/<theme name>/modules/beesblog/views/templates/front/post_list_item.tpl and you need to fix these files as well. In fact, if these files exists, you don't have to worry about template files inside modules directory. Files located in theme directory have precedence over files located in modules directory.
  4. Simply go to https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues and file new issue. I'm afraid this one will have low priority, though. There aren't many merchants having more than 50 cms pages in sub-categories
  5. The problem was found. There's a new configuration option named Maximum level depth When you install this module from scratch, it is initialized to value 2. But when you upgrade from previous version it has value 0, thus displaying only top-level entries. When you add non-zero value it works as expected.
  6. Weird. If you PM me access to your back office I can have a look
  7. There's a bug in in beesblog module - it emits invalid metadata to the page. To fix this, you will need to modify templates and apply this fix
  8. Configuration::updateValueRaw method exists in core. If your server claims it doesn't exists, it's probably caused by badly-written override, or some manual modification to configuration.php file.
  9. I'm not really familiar with the iquitcontenteditor module, but it looks like it doesn't allows you to pass any custom parameters to display hook. And you really need to pass review id. So I'm afraid this module will not work with this revws hook
  10. Thanks for the confirmation. My test also suggests that all issues are solved, so I've officially released 3.0.4. Hopefully not many people upgraded to faulty 3.0.3 yet.
  11. @cprats could you please test this new version of the module fixes the problems? Thanks blocktopmenu-3.0.4-pre.zip
  12. Indeed, the new version of blocktopmenu doesn't work correctly. You should downgrade to version 3.0.2
  13. Did anyone had a chance to test the release preview version?
  14. Both methods must work. If you could test both module upgrade, and fresh installation, that would be great.
  15. New version (release candidate): SCA support Here's a pre-release candidate of stripe module that implements support for SCA - new European regulation coming into effect on September 14, 2019. If you are collecting payments from EU customers, you will need to upgrade stripe module, otherwise you will see a huge increase in card declines. The changes to the module are substantial -- 3 core checkout flows had to be rewritten from scratch using new Payment Intent API. Therefore, before I release this version officially, I would like to ask you all to test it thoroughly. If you find any bug or problem, please report to this thread. Download: stripe-v1.7.0.zip
  16. Ohh, you are right. This package contains constant (currency id) that is specific to my setup only. I will need to come up with some better package installation process -- ask user for information and use it to replace hardcoded values. Meanwhile, I've uploaded new version of this particular package that depends on currency with id 1. That one is more likely to exist that currency with id 3.
  17. Yes, it's possible.The trigger part is tricky one -- since this changes with time, the only way to implement this is using measure - for every product in your specific category track if it is available or not. This is sql to define such measure: SELECT ps.id_product, 1 AS is_available FROM tb_product_shop ps INNER join tb_category_product pc ON (ps.id_product = pc.id_product) WHERE pc.id_category = 5555 AND now() > ps.available_date This will return list of every available product in category with id 5555 With this measure in place, you can use trigger Measure value changed that will react when the result of that sql changes. When some product in category 5555 becomes available, sql result will include this product, and rule will be triggered. You can now do whatever you want. To remove product from category, you will have to use custom sql action and execute this sql: DELETE FROM tb_category_product WHERE id_product = {id} AND id_category = 5555 Where {id} is a placeholder. You will need to bind this to product ID: You can have a look at my demo account, I've create this rule there (for category 2, not 5555)
  18. @x97wehner what tb version are you using? Is it bleeding edge? Please confirm
  19. More and more users blocks google analytics nowadays. With self-hosted tracking tool the situation is much better as it's hard(er) for blockers to detect and block it. So, I'd say that self-hosted Matomo will give you more precise data. Still not 100% accurate, but better than GA. But it's not really that important. We are not using these tools to look at transactional data, we are using it to look at aggregated data. And from this point of view, data collected by GA will have very similar characteristics as data collected by Matomo. For me, the real question is which solution offers better tools to analyze collected datasets.
  20. You should look what is in ajax response -- open browser javascript console, switch to network tab, and find the request that loads the rule. On related note: I can see something strange on your frontoffice: Those rnrnrnrn characters shouldn't be there. They probably meant to be \r\n characters -- linebreak. You should find the source of this unwanted output and fix it. It is quite likely that this will fix your conseqs issue as well (but maybe not)
  21. With new version of tb there comes new version of smarty, which changes how things works sometimes. In old version of smarty, $carrier variable would hold value of last item after the {foreach} cycle has ended. So the original template code worked, but it just Delivery time for the last carrier in the list only. New version of smarty works the same, *unless* $carrier variable is defined before the {foreach} cycle starts. If $carrier variable already existed in global scope, then after {foreach} cycle ends, the original value is recovered. With this changed semantics the template no longer works. I'm not sure what the intention of this code in this template was. But it looks very likely that @yaniv14 is right, and that author really meant to do show delivery time for all carries. So to fix this particular case, we can use yaniv's proposed fix - this would change template output, but that's probably correct rename iteration variable from $carrier to something else. This would keep the template output the same I vote for #1
  22. This kind of error happens when ajax response contains some extra text. This is often the case when you have enabled debug mode, and there is some php warning or notice. I have retested this on my server, and I don't have the same problem. So it's probably some issue on your server
  23. Revws module expected image type home to exists. If it does, it should work, even for legacy mode. Anyway, this is the code that would need to be updated
  24. datakick

    Factor's Corner

    Great to have some SysAdmin aboard, that's another group of problems this forum can help with now!
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