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Everything posted by vincentdenkspel

  1. @mockob said in I will say goodbye: but doesn’t spend 5 secs for whole month How do yo know this? The only thing you can know for a fact is that they were not that active on the forum. Maybe they were spending a lot of time to the TB project which is not 'visible' to the community.
  2. @mockob I'm very pleased with them. I think their fees are very reasonable. More information about pricing can be found at https://www.mollie.com/nl/pricing/ I used one other PSP in the past. There were more expensive. Mollie has one 'problem' and that is that you can't disable a payement option per country. You can enable/disable payment options but than it's 'all or nothing' It's my understanding that there will be a new version of the module so hopefully they will add that. All in all i'm very pleased with the module
  3. @mockob I'm sorry to hear about the problems that @zimmer-media is encounting and i do agree things can be better and must improve. If i'm not mistaken in the same topic other forum members say it is a alternative. Also as a 'in between solution' one could use mollie as a PSP. I use mollie. With mollie you also can except Paypal payments. That having said i do agree thing need to change for the better such as communication. added: As @FooLab suggested upvoting TB as an alternative can create a bigger audience for TB. Bigger audience > more users > more interesting for developers > more income etc.etc.
  4. @mockob Why ? I had a simple PS site with a lot of troubles. I have good working site with a payment module (mollie), review module (revws module), loyalty module (krona) and a lot of other great modules. To me it is a vialble alternative and i think for a lot of people it could also be.
  5. Also maybe TB can implement some sort of sponsorship program (e.g. bronze, zilver, gold). The sonsors would hire @mdekker and @lesley the create a module that integrates his service with TB. I'm thinking of payment service providers and shipping service providers. Let's say such a module would cost a X amount of money. An bronze sponsor would pay 1,5 . X , a silver sponser 2,0. X and a gold sponsor 2,5 . X. The extra money is for devoting time to TB. In return the the sponsers do not only get a great modules but additonal 'perks'. For example a bronze sponser would get a permanent logo on the TB site, a silver sponsor his logo + blogpost and a gold sponsor logo + blogpost + ??
  6. @wakabayashi sorry to hear that is downloaded that little. I downloaded it yesterday or so. Now I'm figuring out all the possibilities. Thank you for the great module !
  7. I really like TB and really would like to see TB succeed as a project. However , there is still the problem for @mdekker and @lesley of devoting time to TB and making a living. I already made a suggestion about crowdfunding and I still believe this would be a viable option. Now I would like to make another suggestion. I downloaded some great free modules that were made by @wakabayashi @SLiCK_303 and @datakick. I also bought the very advanced module of @datakick . Some of these module are so advanced that I have trouble configuring them and get the most out of them. So I thought: Why don't these developer create video tutorials in which they explain and show in depth how to configure and use these modules? This would be paid tutorials that could be hosted here in the TB site and TB would receive a percentage of the revenues. I think this would be a win-win-win situation. The developers receive money for there hard work, TB would receive money and I as a customer would receive and advanced in depth tutorial . What do you think of the idea?
  8. @baarssen said in Is thirty bees dead?: Also i think TB will have to stop (or at least minimize) with free modules I totally agree. That's why a while ago i suggested to development of modules by crowdfunding. The people who back which a minimal ammount will get the module. Once the crowdfunding is ended people can buy the module in the store but for a higher price the int initial crowdfunding price, but still for a very reasonable price. I really see various benefits when modules are developed this way. 1) @mdekker and @lesley can devote more time to TB since they will get an income from the developement of modules. 2) The more modules are being developed the more attractive TB will become. 3) We the people will get high quality modules. a win-win-win situation i would say.
  9. @datakick I've not installed the latest version yet, but criteria breakdown features is great. Thank you for your work !!
  10. @datakick Do you recommend one ?
  11. @tomik i encounter exactly the same thing. Wondering if they are spamming specifically TB installations
  12. @wakabayashi Can you tell me how you've implemented this ?
  13. Does somebody know if a module exists with which i can ask a question after an order is placed? (how did you hear from us ?)
  14. @datakick something like this ? https://d.pr/i/bdUU8 (https://baymard.com/blog/user-ratings-distribution-summary)
  15. @datakick personally i don't think loyalty points will be very much of an incentive to make a review. I'll use your module to download the names of the people who made a review. Among every x- number of reviewers i'll raffle a discount voucher of €25
  16. @datakick don't thank us. We have to thank you. Spending a little bit of time testing is the least we can do. THANKS!!
  17. When i vote thumbs up/down the actual review disappears. Only the title can still be seen. I'm I the only one who encounters this or is this a bug?
  18. @baarssen said in BrainStorming: Handling Orders in BO: order handlings module What is the name of the module ?
  19. Very nice site. Good luck with it
  20. @wakabayashi I don't think the problem is 1 or 3 criteria. I think people do or don't make a review. I think people need to have an incentive to make a review. That's why I intend to raffle a giftcard of € 50 once a month or for every x-number of reviews that are made
  21. @briljander I often make decisions based on more than one or two variants. For example: from what i've seen on the internet i would like to own the new car Lucid Air (design, room) but for sure i can't afford it (price) . So that are already 3 variables. I think more people make a decision base on more than one variable.
  22. I assume on the productpage there will be a tab 'reviews'. I think on the top of that 'tab/page a distribution of the reviews should be displayed like https://d.pr/i/2o8VEc/Fcyu45WAvF. Below that the individual reviews should be listed
  23. @datakick Really sorry to hear you won't support criteria. For some products this doesn't matter but for a lot it does i think. If you want to go out to dinner i don't think you make your decision based on one criteria, but on multiple (kind of food, quality of food, price, location, ambiance etc). The same goes for a lot of products. So i really think only one overal criteria will make the module less 'advanced' (by lack of better word)
  24. @wakabayashi i totally agree. I think this essential. This feature is btw already there in the standard module. What is an ‘issue’ for someone doesn’t have to be for someone else. In my case: if someone finds a game great to play but a little bit expensice it is likely he will rate the ‘average’ with only one review creteria. When he can rate price and gameplay/fun he can give a low rating for price and a high one for the other. A person for whome price is less of an issue this game can be very intersting whereas he may not have conciderd it with only one creteria.
  25. @wakabayashi said in I'm going to create a free module I think the email notification should be handled by order status. I would love to select a status and set "send email x-days after". As well as a friendly reminder email if no review has been made after a number of days
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