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Everything posted by lesley

  1. We really cannot fork it and try to fix it, it is not properly licensed, I inquired about it last year, https://github.com/kuzmany/mautic-prestashop/issues/3
  2. This looks interesting. I see there is a free module, but the developer never responded about us forking it. Is the free module actually missing anything?
  3. Hmm, strange, I could not find anything that triggers a webhook in the module. Maybe I looked in the wrong spot.
  4. Its free OSS. Its not currently on the roadmap, I would need to look into it more in depth.
  5. It does not have that feature.
  6. You know @Traumflug is one of the owners of the project don't you?
  7. The issue I think is that you want to send things to your current live site at the end, that is not how to do this process. You need to replace your live site with your new dev site at the end.
  8. We felt the patreons had a vested interest in knowing. That is why they are released information first. As for the one and only, that is not true. We have had what, 3 releases since he left? Doubled our market share? It is a shame that he left, but it is hardly the end of the world.
  9. I have been looking at an ERP company to partner with, but in the end we are going to keep advanced stock management, just change it a bit. It is a feature that needs to be in the core so stores can grow in the use cases I mentioned.
  10. Is it stopping at the beginning of the day 3/11? That is what it looks like to me.
  11. We are planning some changes to it in future versions, I do think some things will get removed and some will get added in.
  12. I will mention them, it might get them to comment here, @Araz
  13. I do not think you are right about that since it needs a target and a source shop. I could be wrong though, you might send them an email to ask them.
  14. There is a module in our shop that can do that, https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/administration/migrationpro-migrate-from-prestashop-to-thirty-bees-migration-tool
  15. @haylau ASM is not meant to be an ERP. I think this is the common misconception about what ASM is. Here are some use cases in my view of ASM Say you have 2 warehouses, one in Germany and one in Switzerland. Someone orders a widget from Switzerland. The ASM system figure out where the widget ships from. Say in Switzerland to Switzerland you offer free shipping. But from Germany to Switzerland you offer 3 euro shipping. The ASM system figures out where the product ships from and charges that amount. Another use case in my mind is say you have a store in Bern and a store in Munich. I am in Munich, I want to buy widget x, I get on your site and see if widget x is available at the Munich store.
  16. You want the system to be something it was never intended to be. The ASM system is not to run your whole business, it is to run stock associated with your website in a manner to help the website.
  17. Honestly, the economic impact sounds a bit advanced for the system. So does the max quantity.
  18. hmm interesting. I will see if there is a logical place to add that.
  19. What do you two think needs to be changed in the process? One thing I know that needs to be added is locations for stock in the warehouses.
  20. Not really. What is your use case for the system. What is it lacking for you? We are planning what we are going to do next year now.
  21. Mistakes by you and any modules that use the tinymce on the front end, depending on how they are programmed. There are not any that I can think of though off the top of my head, but I am sure there are some out there.
  22. Basically it strips some things out of the html so that it is safer and also reorganizes some things as well. It helps keep people from breaking things basically.
  23. Do you have the html purifier turned on? That could be doing it.
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