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Everything posted by lesley

  1. What content are you allowing users to add?
  2. @gandalf Since I am some what a developer I look at a problem like that different than a store owner would look at it. First, I would say the store owner needs a developer to handle it. The simple reason is do it yourself solutions do not work the same as professionally done solutions. But to answer your question, this is what I would do for a client. In the week or two before blackfriday I would deploy a media server, just to take strain off the server. This leaves the main site core server only serving php / ajax requests and drops the traffic to virtually nothing on the main machine. Then I would spin up a load balancer. Once the load balancer is spun up, I would replicate the current live instance to a new larger instance. That should only take a few hours to do. Once that is done, I would just go ahead and change the settings.inc.php file on the new instance to point to the database on the old instance. This way we have 2 servers running one site. Then I would set the load balancer to send all traffic to the new instance, clear all the caches, and have 0 down time. In the end, I would end up with a bigger front end server, with another smaller server powering the database. I would load test it just to make sure it can exceed the required load in the days coming up to the sale.
  3. I am going to have to disagree. Most cloud providers port out at 1gps global. This is the best I can find on AWS for their outgoing port speed, https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/ Internally it is a different matter, https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/the-floodgates-are-open-increased-network-bandwidth-for-ec2-instances/ but again, this is just for internal traffic. A properly configured site using thirty bees and the page cache system can handle several hundred users on a 2gb instance. To extrapolate, I tested a default thirty bees installation on a 2gb 1vcpu vultr server. It could hold 550 users before it started spiking wildly. But you have to consider a default installation has very few images and highly optimized images, and not very much css and js as well. Still a default thirty bees installation is about 1mb on the home page. So with 400 concurrent users per second on the home page you will logically be sending out 400MBps of data. That translates to 3.5gbps of data, which is what an c5 large instance can hold. Since they have faster processors and more memory for caching, and also more vcpu's I would venture to guess that the load capacity also increases from the 550 users that a 2gb 1vcpu instance a vultr server can handle. But at 400 users you are still hitting a port saturation and starting to queue requests. This is where you need the media server and mounted logical drives. That being said, you raise another point about regional replication and how mounting across regions is an issue. This is actually a problem that solves itself in network architecture. If you are replicating to another reason, why are you? The general always right answer is because you are wanting to load a version of the site from a server closest to your clients. Your load balancer will essentially create an isolated point where the file systems do not need to interact on any level for caches. The media servers will handle all of the front end serving for static resources, and everything will be homogeneous. You do have to factor in a direct way for you to access the master server in the whole array. I just do not personally see this as an application problem since there are simple solutions that most all applications use. It would be adding another layer of complexity and slowness to the software for not really any gain. Sure, I imagine a few people would use it, but many more would use a properly designed network, since it would be faster and more stable.
  4. The easiest and best way I have found to handle the situation is to throw up a media server. Because if you are generating enough traffic to need to spin up another instance, you are generally getting close to saturating your port as well. There are really several different levels all of this can happen on. One thing you have to keep in mind as well is if you are load balancing thirty bees instances, they DO require you to use sticky sessions. In use sticky sessions, users will always access the same machine, so you will not run into issues of files being cached on one machine and the file not being created on the other machine. If you are using a different form of load balancing, what you want to do is this. Create your site, create a logical storage block to handle the caches, img files, theme cache, and modules directory. Then create a mount point in the file system for your installation, where those directories are mounted in those locations. Then you want to package that as a machine instance that can be deployed over the network. This way, when your instances are deployed, they are preconfigured with the network storage mount points. We could likely sit around and come up with a way to handle this on the application level, but there is not one way we could handle it where we would get close to the same performance of handling it on the OS level. Since it is about performance, we just need to stick with the most performant option.
  5. I have one, the demos are down, https://dh42.com/prestashop-modules/flex-layout-module/ But you do need to write your own product templates for the module. It lets you select which template to use with specific products.
  6. By templates do you mean like looks of the page?
  7. You can edit this line, https://github.com/thirtybees/sitemap/blob/master/sitemap.php#L617
  8. Sure the php code can be placed on different servers, if done behind a geo-load balancer. The database structure also supports multiple slave databases as well. Here is a good article about how you can scale horizontally with thirty bees, https://thirtybees.com/blog/thirty-bees-scalability/
  9. Is this still causing an issue for you? I cannot reproduce it, I have tried in both the front and back office.
  10. It is for the backend on the orders page and also on the stores page.
  11. If your shop is not launched, I would just disable the setting. The bonus is the caching in google relies on the files to be there. https://dh42.com/blog/prestashop-hurting-google/
  12. What version of the module are you using? You might try uninstalling it and installing it again, I just tested and I do not see an issue.
  13. Can you take a screen shot of the attributes page in the back office. I want to see how they are added.
  14. Not that I can think of. How many pages does your site have, how often are you editing the css?
  15. We are not planning on supporting prestashop 1.7 themes, we are going to move into a different direction in the future.
  16. I guess what I was saying is updates are triggered by that module, removing that module and those files takes away the module update capability
  17. This is just for the theme related, css / js files.
  18. It is back up now, it looks like the docker had restarted with a different port.
  19. Not really. See the issue with that is because of this, https://dh42.com/blog/prestashop-hurting-google/
  20. @AndyC Thank you so much for becoming a patron, you as well @Baarssen
  21. Fork it and release it if you want. See, I try to play safe with thirty bees. There are some of the files in the repo that are licensed, there are other smaller ones that are not. If there is not a license covering the whole repo I do not let us fork / release it. Its safer for us to not get sued that way.
  22. You should be able to just uninstall the tb updater module, then remove the condfix/xml directory that should do it.
  23. @Briljander That is so true. Over the past week @Traumflug and I have been talking. What we are trying to do is use the patreon money and some of the other money coming in to hire another developer to help a week or so out of a month at first, then grow that more into full time as the revenue grows. Its likely not the ideal situation for everyone, but we are at a point where neither @Traumflug or I take any money out of the company that it generates. It can pay all of its bills and there is money left over where we can look into hiring someone part time.
  24. It works, it is not officially supported, we have caused a few things to break, but reverted them back to maintain support.
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