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Everything posted by lesley

  1. The reason there was no error message is because you are generating a download file. The only way to debug that would be through the apache log likely.
  2. Is the account enabled in the database? That message will fire if the account exists, but is disabled.
  3. yeah, it seems that way. But looking at the error message that is what it looks like. They might have the function disabled until people request it enabled. stops people from spinning up instances to churn spam.
  4. Ahh, no, you have an ip block, https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/213914245-Mail-delivery-fails-Error-554-host-refused-to-talk-to-me
  5. Hmm, this still might fix it, https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/213376649-Mail-queue-contains-deferred-emails-Host-or-domain-name-not-found
  6. Its because your server does not have mail records likely. Are you using plesk?
  7. Check the server mail log to see if the mails are actually leaving the server. My bet is gmail is dropping them because of spam.
  8. Use an email that is on the same domain as the thirty bees instance. Are you on a cpanel server that you have root access to?
  9. Are you using an email address that is the same as your shops domain address?
  10. This modification is not stable and not recommended to use unless you are a developer.
  11. lesley

    Website Loading

    It could be your connection. I always use services to test, it gives a more clear idea, especially when you use a localized testing engine.
  12. I think the issue might be its limited. one and one is a different kind of host, they use a hypervisor vm for containers. So it could be that OP is on a 1 cpu, 1gb ram server. That might make things take longer since the hypervisor management does eat into that vcpu power.
  13. lesley

    Website Loading

    I am not seeing those loading times, https://gtmetrix.com/reports/www.pewterjewellery.co.uk/7HsceK1K
  14. Just a FYI that module is no longer maintained, you migt email them and ask them to support thirty bees
  15. We are hovering around 20k live sites now. Its hard to keep a good track, because there are a lot of dev installs, some go offline, ect. We try to track as loosely as possible, so we aren't collecting everyones data like other platforms do.
  16. Can you open up a github issue and describe what was going on and the work around? That way we can get it fixed.
  17. Are you trying to delete the default language? What version of thirty bees are you using?
  18. Its difficult to manage and unstable. It also has a different tech requirement than virtually everything else we run. So we were looking to simplify and go with a php based solution.
  19. Since you all have been concerned about the forum, we have talked about moving to a different forum software next year. Are there any features you all would like to see?
  20. The reason for the answer is its a small payment gateway that keeps their modules behind a paywall. We have not been able to test, but if they have a version that works with 1.6 of prestashop then it should work.
  21. Honestly, a new shop I would not use ID's. If you are moving an existing shop, I would not change the URLS. I think the SEO benefit of not having them is very low and not worth the trouble of changing existing urls.
  22. The issue ended up being the date that softaculous inserts the demo products with is advanced a day. I wouldn't really call this a bug since its fixed after the demo products are erased.
  23. I just tested on a dev 1.0.7 instance and all is working here. You can send over you back office login in a PM if you want me to check it.
  24. I added a home page icon to the nav now.
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