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Everything posted by lesley

  1. I would use the layout from the default theme as a base, then work from there. Starting from scratch is going to kill you because there is so much javascript and smarty you would need to learn to make a theme from scratch. I have a small article on how to compile with our theme, so you can make changes in the scss files and then compile them into your own css files. https://thirtybees.com/developer-blog/editing-theme-css-linux/
  2. Because they are two different data sets there really should not be a way.
  3. Actually I am not seeing a method in the API to set the link as a non _blank.
  4. If you wanted to get fancy with it you can make it popup in a fancy box as well.
  5. I think so, yeah. We do not track very much with shops, so its hard to be real precise. We do not want to track as much as other platforms, just installs and if the shops stay thirty bees for a period of time. As we are getting more services in place, we can have better stats.
  6. The biggest reason is that we have the same technology footprint as prestashop. So its hard for services to tell the difference, especially when someone is using a prestashop theme that passes the meta generator as prestashop
  7. I don't think you will really find a module, it seems like it would be tied to the theme.
  8. Its because the modules still load when they are disabled. I am betting there is something happening with the class name of one of the modules that is being seen as an exception. If you want, you can comment out that line for the time being, the uncomment it after you get done doing what you are doing.
  9. Would just adding a simple redirect at the top of the htaccess fix this issue? siteB.com POINTS TO siteB.com www.siteB.com POINTS TO siteA.com
  10. Dekker fixed that page as best he could, but it needs all of that I/O. Basically what that page does, is it on demand checks all of your core files to see if there are any edits to them, then produces a list of the files that are edited.
  11. @cprats A lot already are, that is what is powering a lot of sales in our store.
  12. @vincentdenkspel I did not realize the community needed reassuring again. We are making stable builds about every 40 days now, we are at all time traffic levels to our site, all time high daily installation levels of thirty bees, we have lots of new modules added to our store, ect. Things have started picking up and are going really well here, I thought it was kind of obvious. Sorry about that. As a side note on a different topic, I am planning on adding your shop to our shops using thirty bees section likely tomorrow.
  13. I really hate posts like these, but they are getting fewer and far between, which in my mind is a good thing. So, let me spew my diatribe about my thoughts concerning all of this. PrestaShop 1.6 has somewhere around 260k shops using the software. That is a ton of shops. PrestaShop 1.7, being over 2 years old has around 40k shops using the software. For a major software developer releasing a new version, that is not good. Especially when you consider an upstart fork of PrestaShop has almost 30k shops using their software. With no name, just an idea we came into the marketplace and have almost the same market penetration as PrestaShop 1.7. I would love to say we had 200k shops, but we dont. But, when I am having my coffee in the morning and I look at the install stats from over night, I ask myself are we failing or are they failing? Sure, right now their main released version does have more shops than us. But we are not far behind. And as our budgets would have it, we have spent exact 0 in marketing, something they cannot say. Themes are something we have had a hard time attracting developers for, I won't try to hide that fact. A big part of the reason is a lot of developers abandoned the whole PrestaShop eco-sphere with their development. A great example is one of PrestaShop main theme partners Template Monster. If you look at their catalog they have 1/6th the themes for 1.7 they have for 1.6. Because the sales are no there with only 40k shops using it. I would say after the last 3 months or so that the conviction internally about thirty bees has only gotten stronger. We are starting to actually make money, we are staying busy on projects that are setting the ground work for the future of the platform, we are winning. To close if I were you, I would ask my client this. If PrestaShop is so stable in the marketplace, why did they choose to keep 1.6 updated for another 8 months? Do you think it has anything to do with them not being able to produce a stable 1.7 platform? Or hire the developers with the talent they need to bring stability to 1.7? Or maybe they need a cash infusion at this point. Something is needed, they cannot keep their API online which it taking shops across the world offline. I would like to give you a challenge though. Get on the PrestaShop forum, post the same thing. Wait, and wait. Wait and see how long it takes for someone that works, owns, or is a high level person at PrestaShop, to give you an answer. Or to even acknowledge that you are alive.
  14. lesley

    Migration from PS 1.7

    It goes well, I emailed you a few weeks ago with the issues fixed. I will pm you the url.
  15. lesley

    Migration from PS 1.7

    I have been working with them, they are going to start uploading all of their modules that migrate from other platforms in the coming weeks.
  16. lesley

    Migration from PS 1.7

    I wonder if this one would work, https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/migrationpro-thirty-bees-upgrade-and-migrate-tool-automatically It is made by the same developer.
  17. Strange, Are you able to replicate it if you try?
  18. I was actually thinking about Invision Board. I like the fact that it has blogs that users can start on the board, https://invisioncommunity.com/features/content#blogs I think it could better organize information that really should not be forum posts like tips and tricks. Also the galleries could be modified to connect to our store to show the modules that users have created, https://invisioncommunity.com/features/content#gallery I am still in the early stages of looking at things though.
  19. This really cannot be addressed, this is the downfall of using paypal express.
  20. Looks like I got that back up and the cards working too.... Another reason I want to change software for the forum.
  21. You have given the least information possible to solve this problem. I am guessing your carriers are not configured correctly.
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