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Everything posted by lesley

  1. Yup, you would need to add our updated template to the theme. Welcome back @SLiCK_303 I hope all is well with you.
  2. Oh, I never let anyone write my posts or responses, I am not Vekia. Thanks, hopefully we can get some more module bugs knocked out this weekend. That is what we have been focusing on here lately. They have been neglected.
  3. Ahh, I would have to look into what the module actually does to be honest. I have never used it as I did not develop it. My thoughts differ from a lot of merchants thoughts though. With me, I prefer to do everything offline in a dedicated image editor like Pixeluvo ro photoshop. That way you can set up templates to get things exactly right and work with files quicker. That is just my preference though. Thanks, some time I get typed out. I answer 50-100 different emails a week with partners, people wanting to become partners, different opportunities for thirty bees to expand, ect. Like not two sentence emails, ones that require several paragraphs and lots of thought. It kills my brain sometimes.
  4. Oh, it does not, why would you want to use them together?
  5. Some can. It just depends on the library really. Imagemagik requires a php extension to be enabled that is only used on about 30% of live servers. So that is a big reason why we cannot put it in the core. But using other services other than GD can add new requirements too, so we have to evaluate that.
  6. There are already modules on the market that work with both of those, https://www.presteamshop.com/ Kraken is not an open source library, it is a closed source service. As far as putting them in a module, it would likely be something we would not do, just because there is alternative that is not badly priced on the market.
  7. Yeah, it uses a different library. This runs under node, so people would need node set up and would need to run a node server in a different location. As far as image optimization, most of the time you can do it locally for things such as sliders and graphics. For products using the imagemagik library works well. The savings are so minimal most of the time that it is really negated in connection speed these days.
  8. On the payments page, set the currency restriction of the module to the shops default currency.
  9. I think you would have to ask the module developer.
  10. Are you using multi-store or anything like that? Or just a regular shop?
  11. lesley

    Contact form

    Likely there is an issue with your mail settings.
  12. When you delete a product on the server are the actual images being deleted? Are new images added correctly? It could be a permissions issue.
  13. Something like this cannot be made into a module, its nifty tho.
  14. lesley

    Paypal issues

    thirty bees has a carrier restriction on payment modules at the very bottom of the payment page, are you sure that your module is not restricted by carrier?
  15. np, we are hoping to have a new build by the end of the week with all the bugs reported so far fixed and a few new critical features added.
  16. There is not. I just made an issue on github about it, https://github.com/thirtybees/beesblog/issues/28 We are actually doing some updates to the module now so it should be in the next release.
  17. I assume a module or modification could be made to do it. Its just not something that is in the core right now.
  18. I just tested as well, it is working here too, https://cdntest.thirtybees.com/coffee-and-tea/Coffee/coffee-beans
  19. Tell them you are no longer part of the EU and you do not recognize their laws :-) I am trying to understand what you mean, can you rephrase it?
  20. Either your server or some other service had a 503 error.
  21. My solution is what every major company uses. From my brief look around the code it looks like it could be made as a module. Why not make a module doing it? No other FOSS application utilizes this architecture.
  22. Invoices can and should be generated on demand. So that problem is solved with a flick of a button. Honestly, I cannot see this ever making it into the core. There are just so many better ways to do this. When you grow to the size that you need this, its something you need to budget for.
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