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Everything posted by musicmaster

  1. The first step is to look whether your Aftership module really is gone. You should look for that in the modules directory. Make sure that you have really uninstalled it and not only disabled it. The next step is looking for overrides that might have stayed behind. It is easiest with Prestools you can also just explore the override directory. Of course you should also have emptied the cache.
  2. You might consider opening the network tab in your browser's console. There you can see the actual communication taking place and click on each of the file names to see what was returned.
  3. Can you enable debug mode so that we get the real error message? https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/224525-how-to-turn-on-error-reporting-for-debug-information-blank-page-500-internal-server-error/
  4. I see you have Same story. This version of TB has some problem with 4-part version numbers for some modules. paypal.php
  5. I was talking about the file in the Alabaz module. Not the file that comes with TB.
  6. A quick hack is to change the version number of the Alabaz module in its file paypal.php from '' to '16.0.1'
  7. You missed the core of what I wrote. The Ajax call returns some text in some predetermined format (not always json). When there is a warning in that returned text the format no longer matches and you get the kind of message that you see. However, this is half of the php warning - so completely useless. You need to have a look at the complete returned text or your error logs to see the complete message: problem x happened at line y in file z. I told you how to do that.
  8. This is the correct way to assign a parent to a category. Do you use that?
  9. You think it has to do something with javascript. So what happened when you looked for javascript errors (open browser console with F12)?
  10. total_products_wt: wt=with tax; So that is not relevant. The function that you mentioned before gets things from the order_detail table. However, I have my questions about your order_detail value. I checked it in my shop and I saw the weight for one product in that field. Not the total weight for the number of products that was ordered. I don't have time to dive deeper into this. But I suspect this could be the problem.
  11. There are two ways to solve this kind of message. As Datakick said, this happens when an Ajax call returns something unexpected. Very often that is because there was some php error message or warning within the text. If it was some innocent warning the solution that Datakick proposes - switching off debug mode - will work. If you want to find out what the error message was there are two approaches. One is to check the error logs of your server. The other is to open the console of your browser and then go to the network tab. If you execute the operation while this tab is open you will see the ajax call appear as one of the files. You can then look under the reply subtab what value was returned by the ajax call.
  12. What I would do is checking the database. You can find the weight in the following tables: - tb_product - tb_cart_product - tb_order_detail - tb_order
  13. You would have seen more options if you had gone to the homepage of Prestools.com... And there is also a post with download here on the TB forum. The problem that you encountered is that Prestashop no longer allows people to download things when they are not logged in. They are continuously changing things on their forum. Quite annoying....
  14. Strange. It is there. Can you try again?
  15. Thank you for notifying me. I have rebooted the site.
  16. No. You need a special tool for mass edit such as Prestools.
  17. I don't know the theme. But I assume that - like most themes - it has a configurator module with which you can do much of the configuration. Try to use that as much as possible. I really don't understand what you mean with re-uploading the theme. The only thing you need to make sure after you change a theme file is that you won't see an old cached version.
  18. I tested it and didn't see any problem... How do you define the path of your shop in the ps_shop_url table? You should use the forward slash - not the backslash. Windows can perfectly handle Linux slashes...
  19. I am running Windows too.
  20. musicmaster

    Module Error

    It doesn't have to be an error. Jquery generates this kinds of errors (and catches them) to check the properties of the browser.
  21. I used to use Digital Ocean too. But now I am considering to move away and back to shared hosting. Virtualmin - that I used to use as a replacement for Cpanel - has become unreliable. And it has become hell not to have your email rejected by the spam filters.
  22. I seldom use grep. So I would have to consult the manual. It will be faster if you do that yourself.
  23. This shouldn't be so difficult. Just do a search for '%jv74.se%' in phpmyadmin in the whole database and do a text string for 'jv74.se' with Astrogrep in the whole shop. And you don't need the life shop for that. A working copy on you local computer (localhost) would do - as long as it doesn't contain a path with that string.
  24. For a few weeks now I am seeing a few times a days "undeliverable mail" messages from customer registrations. This happens on two webshops and is clearly a kind of spam. Every message is a bit different. They always have fake email addresses pointing to well known domains. Is there a way to stop this?
  25. I have seen such problems more than once with Prestashop. After the payment is made your payment provider calls some link at your shop that should trigger the shop to convert the shopping cart of the customer into an order. When for some reason that call back doesn't work the cart never becomes an order. So the short term "solution" is to look among the carts for this order. As naming can vary I usually prefer to look for the exact amount and time. For a more definitive solution you might have a look at your error log. It could be that there is some php error that crashes your callback.
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