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Everything posted by DRMasterChief

  1. Thank you! Will try this definitely in the next time 🏋️‍♂️🤸‍♂️👍
  2. ahhh OK, thank you! It wont work when registering for customers is possible?
  3. Hello, we will try the Chex module on a new hosting, unfortunately it says a wrong domain / key in the settings. I already have contacted @datakick by mail on 16.August 23:57, but no answer since a few days. How can i get a new license key for Demo / test? Thank you
  4. Hi, this seems to be still interesting, can you please tell me if this works in 1.2.0 too and/or if there are any security issues regarding the email thing? Thank you
  5. Hello, thank you for your idea. It is not the question why or if this is meaningful, the question is just about technical solution - thank you for any hints in this technical direction 😉
  6. I mean the setting which is in each product (below quantity settings), maybe this is only when AEUC module is used??
  7. Hello, how to change delivery time for ALL products with same delivery time? E.g. i have products with an delivery time given with 2 days and products with 5 days. Now how to change the 2 days into 3 days? The 5 days should be not affected. Is there any entry in the database which we can use? I already tried to search for something, but i was not successfull (only hints to bulk update modules, but i want not to use a module for this). thank you
  8. I will do the following: install a clean 1.2.0 on new host and move database (already done, works fine). Then change every folder from the new installation with the folder from 'old hoster' and try everything in the shop. We have changed a lot, so we have to use the old files/folders and maybe this is a way and i really hope it works.
  9. Thank you datakick, a helpful information! Not sure if i will need MySQL 8.x, as i am moving to an other hoster and now i have got a simple problem, but cant solve it:
  10. Hello, i have updated to 1.2.0 (without problems) and have to do a server change to another hoster in the same moment. Now i have adjust configuration (db connection, cache servers, server urls) backup database via phpMyAdmin copy all files from source to target server extract db dump via phpMyAdmin get an error 500 when trying to reach the Backoffice Pls, can you get me some ideas? thank you
  11. also my question about MySQL: have updated to 1.2.0 and have to move to an other hoster in the next days. Will tb work with MySQL 8.0.26 ?
  12. Great ideas 🙂 How do Google see and handle the 'new field' ?
  13. Totally agree, tb needs an outstanding solution for this and it should be definitely in the pipeline to include it in one of the next update ! Maybe there can be a simple solution that works, i think the problem is not new and already discussed here.
  14. Hallo, gabs mal für PS, aber ich denke das war unvollständig. Kann man aber relativ gut machen wenn man alle Übersetzungen aufklappt und dann durchackert, ein bischen Zeit wird es aber dennoch brauchen. Jedoch.... gut überlegen, auch wenn die Käuferschicht auch so tickt, ein Sie hat noch nie geschadet und es erwarten dennoch (wieder) mehr eine korrekte höfliche Ansprache und da ist ein "Sie" sicherlich nicht verkehrt.
  15. Hallo, wenn man bei PS das als zip hochgeladen hat dann gings zu 99% immer schief, daher wissen viele erfahrene Nutzer daß man es ggf. direkt so ins Verzeichnis hochlädt, zumindest meines Wissens nach ist das so. Ich weiß ja nicht ob du diese Sache kennst oder mit PS schon länger gearbeitet hast etc., von daher mein Hinweis, soll nicht heissen daß du ggf. unerfahren wärst! Versuchs mal.
  16. Jep, Dateien vergleichen geht gut mit WinMerge, so siehst du wo was geändert wäre oder geändert werden muss. Ist halt extrem vom Theme abhängig, weniger von tb (mMn).
  17. maybe something in Niara theme? Have done almost the same, maybe you find something interesting here:
  18. Hello, incidentally, without any technical aspect, DHL will never use a telephone number for delivery. They only collect them to compare their databases and sell them to address publishers. EU data protection can be a problem in this matter!
  19. One more time i will say that a "support" of a forum/in a forum is not the way a shopsystem can survive. Make the shopsystem itself and all substantly needed modules (e.g. Paypal) working for 100% and ask a few bucks per month (a few!! not more than e.g. 5 USD/month) and you can/will survive in the sharktank with an according business plan. Other shopsystems are more than 8USD/month, which is an edge of yes/no for an merchant.
  20. Hi! Leider noch nichts neues diesbezüglich, konnte bisher nur im Testshop rumbasteln, "live" sind wir mit TB noch immer nicht aus versch. Gründen.
  21. Hi, you can set the time for Cookie in the Backend, if you set to 0 it should be cleared when Browsertab is closed. At next visit the customer shoule be "clean" and standard/first shipping rate is shown. Maybe this helps in the meantime. Maybe yes, it is dumb, but in some countries it is needed by law that B2C shows the shipping costs (and yes, we all know that it is very difficult to manage this by webshops).
  22. ehhh shouldn't this better happen here in the forum ?!? 🙂
  23. It is much more recommended to edit the email templates locally and then upload/overwrite the original ones. Editing online oftens does not work for email templates. You can find a lot of help with this online and in the forum. https://html5-editor.net/ is a good editor, you can load your html from email template in this and change it to your needs, then copy the html code and safe it, then upload it to the correct folder in tb installation.
  24. yes, it´s like that. Maybe you find this useful (it is for other themes, but description is very good): https://answers.themler.io/articles/9064/how-to-use-google-fonts-locally
  25. Hi, you can remove the like as written above or you can change it to your local path on webserver, so the font is loaded from local source on the same webserver as your shop, not from an external source. I have done this and it works (you have to upload all fonts to your webserver/path).
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