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Everything posted by zen

  1. zen

    dollar euro

    It comes from the function displayPrice that needs some correction in the file : js/tools.js line 117 if (currencySign && currencySign!== 'undefined') { formattedCurrency = formattedCurrency.replace('USD', currencySign); } And I am not sure it really needs to be there.. why replacing to USD, in others files it setup by default to euro € symbol... strange, maybe somebody can explain where does it comes from.
  2. zen

    dollar euro

    Yes, I didn't noticed it before... but this USD has nothing to do it here and was not there in 1.0.8 version.
  3. thank you for this report.... let's dig it more and correct it, i'll keep you updated here. It is complicated 🙂 I hope to have time enough to fix it correctly and not in a hurry.
  4. I propose this solution... but Maybe there will be some side effects, here is the product.js files to put into the /js folder of the Niara theme. It works for discounts based on amount of products bought, please test it and repport it here before I post on github the modifications. 🙂 product.js
  5. Great catch, I'll try to investigate this JS problem asap. thank you for fixing the calculation price in the previous post.
  6. quelle version de TB stp tu utilises ? " Je suis en TB V1.1.X. Est ce qu'il s'agit bien d'un bug d'interface? si oui je ferai un bug report! " j'ai demandé trop vite.. l'info était déjà là sinon je suis dispo sur Skype si tu veux, ça sera plus simple je pense. Je viens de tester sous ubuntu 18.04 avec TB 1.1.0 et j'ai pas le bug que tu rencontres.. meme en multiboutique !
  7. OK, afin de reproduire le bug.. tu peux me dire quelle version tu utilises et sous quelle version PHP, c'est wamp en local que tu utilises.. merci de filer le max d'info sur la config pour pouvoir reproduire la même chose chez moi et chercher comment le résoudre 🙂
  8. donc si je comprend bien : - je peux trés bien creer un nouvelle catégorie dans accueil - mais pas modifier une catégorie déjà crée et lui coller comme cat mère : accueil c'est ça ?
  9. zen

    Blog Not working

    "You may say that I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one " Mark, Nov 2019 what a beautifull vision.. I understand I messed with your visions, meditations, preparations and alll that things, so sorry I tried by force to bring you IRL , I won't do that again !
  10. Salut Pierrox15, tu ne peux pas sélectionner accueil pour une "rubrique courante", j'avoue ne pas être certain de bien piger.. si tu veux je peux jeter un oeil sur ta config, voir ce qui cloche, car normalement tu peux bien sur sélectionner accueil comme catégorie mère... ton site est en production déjà ?
  11. after reading the specs.. It should do the trick for you for 29 $, if not you still maybe can ask for refound.
  12. zen

    Blog Not working

    Mark please do not insist about this, do you remember the time when you gave me an access and canceled it just before I can try to help you ? About Images to fix. You did not say sorry at all.. you were allways right and I loose so much time with this story. I gave you my help like I always do, others accepted without conditions for free and where really happy about that, but you are too boring by giving conditions and making it difficult and frustrating to help you like this. Usually for payed service I NEED credentials otherwise there is no way I am gonna work for any customers... even if they want to spend 5 hours on skype or screen sharing and pay for that, it will not happen, it's not efficient! Now, I wish you good luck for your bugs to fix, sincerely, and I hope you'll understand my point.. maybe it will help you not to have the same encounter with others dev willing to help in a normal way, remember that without trust you'll not go very far and surely alone !
  13. It's not a big deal.. it's just an estetic choice, don't fall into SEO marketing spider net that will suck all your money 🙂 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/820493/can-an-seo-friendly-url-contain-a-unique-id
  14. I can confirm that ids in URL is not a problem, just an aestetic plus, you should contact support for Panda theme to fix it for you, as it is a purchased licensed product. In fact ids in URL can be a real plus when you'll change your blog system, redirections will be easier !
  15. I don't really understand what you want to do.. BUT you can't change a non root category into a ROOT category as you already have root category i believe. If you activated the multishop, then it coming more complicated to explain, hope you are in a sigle shop 🙂
  16. I actually use this : Advanced Search 4 v4.10.16 - by Presta-Module on a TB 1.0.8 since few month already and having no issue regarding that.
  17. I do have one client with Panda theme installed... I just upgraded it from PS 1.6 to TB 1.1 For the blog side, they now use TB blog and have no problem for URLs without IDs in it.
  18. zen

    Blog Not working

    like I said, I lost my crystal ball otherwise I would have helping you with my tremendous powers !
  19. zen

    Blog Not working

    Without credentials..you'll never ear anything from me..I don't have a crystal ball 😉 Ddidn't you solved your problem by now ?
  20. Problem solved by removing and reinstall the block new products module.
  21. Please give link and back office access in order to have a look and maybe help you.
  22. How many days did you setup in the configuration form for that, in the BO ?
  23. It's very usefull to show images and prices of the products in the search bar, I'll might be able to integrate it in the module theme master that I'm working on for Niara theme.
  24. This is something interresting but not really "by default".. it can be done but it takes time and maybe not wanted for everybody.. it should be added as an option only i think.
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