30knees Posted January 4, 2019 Posted January 4, 2019 I didn't enter any CSS details. It's for styling purposes. Mollie also told me to use the TB one, but I said the PS one is more current and it's also TB compatible, so I went with that one. I'm using 3.3.2. I never had that "no response body" error. Mine was a different one in the front office.
Pedalman Posted January 6, 2019 Posted January 6, 2019 Hi I also switched to the PS version at the point when the TB version was marked as 'stalled' in development. M. Dekker made public he will not continue the TB version and concentrate on the PS version already started by Snowcat only. I never got the CSS style override working :( May be I am missing information to use the right path but since I am msessing around with PS/TB for half a deacade now I thought how to use is. Well, it did not work. That is sad since I really would like to fit the style to my shop. Moreover I do not get the auto change status function working. I tried all settings but it seems not to work. The API is not changing status for "pay later" in Mollies backoffice. I have this problem with another "pay later / pay on invoice" module by Silbersaiten that has also a function to change the order status. In this case after for example 14 days since order. It never worked. May be there is in my Shop or in TB in general something different to PS considering the order status function?
Pedalman Posted January 14, 2019 Posted January 14, 2019 is for anyone the change order status to "ship all" via API working?
Pedalman Posted January 31, 2019 Posted January 31, 2019 Hello I still got the problem that the V3.3.5 (newest Prestashop Mollie version) is not changing the status for payment option "pay later" automatically. Please tell me, if it is working for you or not.+ CSS override I can not get working sind V3.3.4 I noticed even more problem with pay later. It seems to have stopped working literally. Orders are not registered in Thirtybees any more !!!
Pedalman Posted January 31, 2019 Posted January 31, 2019 UPDATE Bad, really bad news: Mollie (or Mr. Dekker and Mr. Diederiks ) do no more support Thirtybees. Even more, since V3.3.4 (the latest is V3.3.5) they even seem to block Thirtybees. Fact is that since mid of January 2019 the Mollie API stopped to inform ThirtyBees that an order made via "PayLater" / Klarna was successfully made. Customers were "authorized" to use the pay later service buut Mollie did not resend this data to the Thirtbees shop. The bad result is that we as merchant did not even know that we had a new order! That means also customers think they have successfully baught via pay later and are waiting for their shipment but all they get is if things go wrong a payment reminder from Klarna for products they never received. I am really, really angry now since I just get informed that Mollie stopped compatibility with Thirtybees for all payment options! That means, PayLater Klarna is broken since January and all other payment options won't get updates anymore 😞 I am just a merchant and since 8 years I had always trouble with payment providers. This is what I live from. I need working payment providers. But since Mr. Dekker started forking and adjusting the official PayPal module for Thirtybees two years ago this never worked flawlessly. That were many problems with it and caused unneccessary trouble for the merchant. Maybe that the problems (mostly timing problems of the PayPal / sho API) were also existent for the official Prestashop PayPal modul but I doubt so. This is the same now for the Mollie module. They said no problem at all. Thirtybees is compatible with Prestashop so we can stop developing the TB module since you can use the PS module of Mollie. This was clearly wrong. I moved happily to Thirtybees but am getting prolems with important payment modules. I know that there is now finally after a two years a new TB PayPal module. Lesley posted so and maybe hopefully it works. I did not check. I went to Mollie since PayPal did not work before. I canceled all my old PSP's in favour for Mollie. CreditCard, Sofort and "Pay Later". All this is conncected to lot's of time and checking and ... and ... and bookmaking. Always ajusting for a new service is a horror for any merchant and I risk my business. So, you get the gist. I am at the moment really angry and all I can do at the moment is to hope that at least the other payment options (credit card and paypal are the most important onces) will continue to work with Mollie. BUT bew aware they said they do NOT support Thirtybees anymore and so they could stop working without warning. At least for me as a European merchant this Mollie service was very good and nearly without alternative. I and you were told that since Thirtybees remains compatible with Prestashhop V1.6 we are fine. This is clearly not the case at the moment. I do not know why and am asking: Is there a way for Thirtybees to "fake Prestashop" so that modules that 100% support Prestashop but not officially Thirtybees or are forced to not do so (M. D. ??) will for certain work with Thirtybees? The Mollie API must have ways now to recognize that it is dealing via Thirtybees store and perhaps LesLey and Traumflug need to add a masquerade function so compatiblity remains 100%. Else I risk my business now or in the near future with TB since I can not rely on the hope that there may be alternatives each time a module or service decides to stop supporting ThirtyBees. Would't it be nice and a nice gesture in form of the compatibilty vowe that Thirtybees in form of Mr. Lesley, Traumflug or Petr or.... forkes now the Dekker/Diederiks Prestashop Mollie GIT and adjust it for Thirtybees? But perhaps this is not possible du to copyright and code property. I do think it is advisable to run any more the old Thirtybees V3.1.0 module since the new one had additions like getting rid of rounding bugs and more and compatibility for TB has stopped anyways. So we need 1. the PS masquerade.
30knees Posted January 31, 2019 Posted January 31, 2019 That's bad news. I'm talking to Mollie support at the moment. I'll ask whether they're blocking tb now. Did they tell you they're blocking tb? I'm running the PS 3.3.5. version and don't have any problems beyond the (still unsolved) one with some orders being cancelled after ca. 25 days. Mollie is still looking into the problem:
wakabayashi Posted January 31, 2019 Author Posted January 31, 2019 As a starter of this thread I have to apologize. You shouldn't use this sucker service anymore! They drop support without informing anyone... 1
piet Posted January 31, 2019 Posted January 31, 2019 On 1/31/2019 at 1:29 PM, wakabayashi said: As a starter of this thread I have to apologize. You shouldn't use this sucker service anymore! They drop support without informing anyone... Expand You mean don't use Mollie anymore? A lot of Dutch users won't be happy with that!
wakabayashi Posted January 31, 2019 Author Posted January 31, 2019 I mean everybody can do, what fits him best 😉 But I won't recommend this service anymore. Especially when I read @Pedalman post.
vincentdenkspel Posted January 31, 2019 Posted January 31, 2019 @wakabayashi Do you know an alternative ? I just tried to install PS 1.6.x compatible module of the PSP Multisavepay (https://www.multisafepay.com) but did not succeed (yet)
wakabayashi Posted January 31, 2019 Author Posted January 31, 2019 I am looking at this right now: https://wallee.com/ But I am in the lucky situation, that for me Mollie is still working. But I understand everyone, who gets angry when the payments doesn't work. 1
vincentdenkspel Posted January 31, 2019 Posted January 31, 2019 For me, it is also still working. But i'm looking around in case of it stops working. 1
vincentdenkspel Posted January 31, 2019 Posted January 31, 2019 I have a very annoying habit which is: first try than read. First, I could not install the multisafepay module, but after reading the documentation I know what I did wrong. I had to upload the module via ftp (can't be done from the backoffice) Once I did that I was able to install the module. I can confirm that it does work with TB
Kleijn36 Posted January 31, 2019 Posted January 31, 2019 Here also still no problem with mollie 3.3.2 My biggest concern is with all Payment Service Provider (and other API/ Plug-Ins) will they update their api for 1.6 after 30 June 2019 (the maintiance date for presta 1.6) and will it keep working. Iff they al leave 1.6 for what is and no longer support or update their API/Plug-Ins we all have a huge problem in the near future.
Pedalman Posted January 31, 2019 Posted January 31, 2019 (edited) Edwin, that is what I wanted to hint at but didn't dare to say. First, I feel betrayed that TB differs to PS for any API. I have no idea of the technical side here but I am merchant and never was told that this could happen. First, that a PaymentServiceProvider or any other service can stop supporting Thirtybees cause TB's API is obviously in some ways different than the PS 1.6 one (and I hope that I am right that this was not consciously misused by someone who publicly said he does not want to be connected to TB anymore after he spend months of his life for the TB development) and second that as you point out correctly there is deadline for the PS API development. So, I am coming back to my question if there is a technical way to simulate any API? Could Thirtybees be this "open" so we will never fear to compatibility in this way or that we can get back access to Mollie etc? ********** I am not giving anyone at the moment the blame. But as said I am shocked that a service provider that claims to support Prestashop V1.6x can block Thirtybees. On the other hand I am shocked that the maintainers of the Mollie GIT claimed that for Thirtybees users there will be no problems since! Thirtybees is compatible: Am 03.11.2018 um 13:02 schrieb info@snowycatsoftware.com: > > Dear Boris, > > I just recieved your message on my voicemail. Could you please inform me who provided you with my mobile phone number, as for it is not visible on our website? > > Concerning your question regarding thirty bees. The Mollie module is / should be compatible with thirty bees, because thirty bees is compatible with PS 1.6. > > You can find the repository here: > > https://github.com/mollie/PrestaShop > > We also set up a repository here (https://github.com/mollie/thirtybees) but it is not supported and will be removed in the near future. > > You can create an account at https://mollie.com and test the module on your development / staging environment (before placing it on your live shop) to see what it has to offer. It has many great features, a lot of different payment methods and Mollie offers very competitive pricing as well. > > Have a nice weekend. > > > Kind Regards, > > On behalf of Snowy Cat Software > > Mxxx. Diexxx Edited January 31, 2019 by Pedalman 1
datakick Posted January 31, 2019 Posted January 31, 2019 It's sad that Mollie does not support thirtybees natively. But I'm also pretty sure they do not intentionally block thirtybees. In fact, there is nothing in the api request that would provide information about used platform. Mollie is an api-based solution, and anybody can integrate with them. It doesn't matter if it's open-source, or custom made proprietary solution. They don't really care. This whole flame is based on a fact that some part of the official mollie module does not work on thirtybees. This can, of course, happen. You all know that there are some modules that need some modification, attention, and love. I guess the problem here is in webhook implementation. It either fails with some 500 error page, or maybe short-circuit the processing due to some condition. Because webhooks are triggered by Mollie automated service, nobody notices these errors. We observe them only indirectly by the fact that the order status does not change automatically. But that does not mean that Mollie is blocking thirtybees, now does it? Let's calm down and work together to troubleshoot this problem. 5
Kleijn36 Posted February 1, 2019 Posted February 1, 2019 The concerns for the future are not only Mollie. What about other API's for example Sendcloud (shipment API) or DHL. You can count on it that they not will not release a new version when Presta Shop 1.6 is in maintance (30 June 2019). The old version keeps working but we cant use the new functions that they will provide. Thirtybees works geat but what will be the solution for all the api based on 1.6
lesley Posted February 1, 2019 Posted February 1, 2019 The API does not change, so that should no be an issue. 1
Kleijn36 Posted February 1, 2019 Posted February 1, 2019 I know @lesly but what when for example DHL has a new release (plugin) with more deliver options and they not release a 1.6 or a TB version in the future. We cant use it. What will be your solution? 1
datakick Posted February 1, 2019 Posted February 1, 2019 Unfortunately there is no technical solution for this. Thirtybees just can't force any third party to support it. It's also not possible to build some sort of facade on top of the tb codebase in order to make ps17 modules work with it. I understand your fears, I really do. After all, it's your livelihood we are talking about. You need to decide what platform is best for you and your business, now and in the future. Let me just remind you that going with prestashop is risky as well. What will happen when they start working on ps18, dropping the compatibility once again? Maybe your theme will stop working, modules you bought will be useless, all the customization work lost. All because prestashop company doesn't care about compatibility, stability, or merchants themselves. You will be left high and dry. Trust me, they did this many times already, and they will do it again. Thirtybees, on the other hand, was based on a pledge of stability and compatibility. But of course, because the user base is much smaller, third parties don't have such incentive to support it. But I believe there is still great amount of ps16 merchants that appreciate the stability this platform offers and will migrate here. And with our user base increasing, there's a hope third parties will be more inclined to support it. Especially since they already have ps16 modules they invested great effort into. And thirtybees is a way for them to continue monetizing them. Now, it's up to you to decide what way is better for you. 9
Pedalman Posted February 2, 2019 Posted February 2, 2019 Thank you very much Petr and Lesley for your vigorate words on our perspective with Thirtybees. I know that all this arrousal came without any heads-up and no one heralded this. And you are absolutely right we have to face the actual situation and perhaps we (you 🙂 ) can workout a solution. I think the Mollie support is willing to help out, too, since we are dependent on PaymentServiceProviders as they are dependent on us. I for my part am willing to pay for the extra time needed in form of developer hours. I profit from Mollie, if it is working, and would have to spend many hours to find and integrate an alternative solution (where the same could happen). I do not know wheather there is now in this forum or in our blog a place where we can utter our top wishes that we merchants are willing or capable to pay for. 3
datakick Posted February 2, 2019 Posted February 2, 2019 On 2/2/2019 at 11:09 AM, Pedalman said: Thank you very much Petr and Lesley for your vigorate words on our perspective with Thirtybees. I know that all this arrousal came without any heads-up and no one heralded this. And you are absolutely right we have to face the actual situation and perhaps we (you 🙂 ) can workout a solution. I think the Mollie support is willing to help out, too, since we are dependent on PaymentServiceProviders as they are dependent on us. I for my part am willing to pay for the extra time needed in form of developer hours. I profit from Mollie, if it is working, and would have to spend many hours to find and integrate an alternative solution (where the same could happen). I do not know wheather there is now in this forum or in our blog a place where we can utter our top wishes that we merchants are willing or capable to pay for. Expand I'd be happy to help. I just need someone to explain how can I reproduce the problem on test environment. Or, alternatively, give me access to ftp/back office 1
Pilou Posted February 3, 2019 Posted February 3, 2019 (edited) Hello, Mollie ps v3.3.2 seems to work (in test mode) on Tb. Edited February 3, 2019 by Pilou
Traumflug Posted February 3, 2019 Posted February 3, 2019 Quote Edwin, that is what I wanted to hint at but didn't dare to say. First, I feel betrayed that TB differs to PS for any API. I have no idea of the technical side here but I am merchant and never was told that this could happen. Expand If a module developer tries, he can find distinctions in the API, of course. Like by testing for features introduced by thirty bees. Or by testing for the _TB_VERSION_ constant in code. There's nothing thirty bees can do about it, short of going out of existence. That said, I agree with @datakick. Not supporting a platform (like in "we don't care") is one thing, intentionally breaking it (like adding code to prohibit it from working there) is another one. Only an investigation about what goes wrong with this module can shed light on this.
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