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Official Mollie Module


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@vincentdenkspel unfortunately it's not possible to apply different promotions depending on payment method. There are different reasons: some checkouts doesn't have a selector for payment method but the payment method itself is the submit for paying the order; probably the customer won't see the discount applied in the cart; and each payment method uses its method to submit the information (form submit, controller, etc.).

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@vincentdenkspel that's the case with it and you could easily check it on github. And until tb breaks compatibility wit ps 1.6 it should be fine, after that I doubt someone will support it because @mdekker is more willing to participate in prestashop's repository than in tb's

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Just before I go scrutifying the Molli webpage. I am also interested in what's different from Stripe.

  1. Better csv/export for bookmaking? Better support for Europe?

  2. Which order confirmation page is loaded?`The theme's one? I need to know in order to get my GoogleTagManager / Analytics gathering correct data.

  3. How complicated are refunds (PayPal...?) Or do you manage theses on the 'original' services (PayPal.com ...)?

  4. I guess you can deinstall all other payment options in ThirtyBees if Molli is installed as one?

  5. Does OPC and 5step and custom step (once Datakick's OptimizedCheckout module get's stable...) work?

I know no one is affiliated here with the service. But I am asking for some tips in order to get my payment options issues from the table. I hate it that I have troubles with the e.g. PayPal module since 15 months or are it years?

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Hello, as i can see at the Mollie support site, there is a 'test API key' (maybe like a sandbox to test the payments?).
They wrote ....If you want to make some test payments first, use the test key instead of the live key.....

Can you install the Mollie module and test it with this ?! Or contact the Mollie support?

Mollie can be very interesting for us, too. The best benefit i can see is: ...Our API and Dashboard allow for direct refunds and can export all your data to several different formats for your bookkeeper.... - the standard Paypal data for bookkeeping is horrible.

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@Pedalman yeah just use the test API. Basically with paypal you pay 10 cent per transaction. This you could save if you go directly with paypal. but as you already know, there are a lot of issues with it. I would recommend all € customers, to go with mollie.

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Did only the first test for now - two test buys via test-api - and noticed that the Mollie module kicks my DHLconnector module (German delivery service module) from view.tpl's hook h="displayAdminOrder"

where it was already hooked.

A bit strange and may be my conclusion is wrong since I never heard that only one module can hook into 'a hook'. Anyways, if Mollie is activated my DHLconnector module is gone from the bo/orders page.

Else, the way it integrates into checkout seems to be perfect.

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Ah, and I want to notify you on the news I got from the man behind SnowyCat that the thirtybees/mollie fork is soon going to abandoned. That means there will only be the one for Prestashop 1.6/1.7. Since TB is compatible with Prestashop .... we should be fine.

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That is superb. Thank your Mr. Baarssen for the update. I noticed that in debugging mode (backoffice/performance) errors are thrown when you are in 'the module' settings:

Warning in Zeile 0 der Datei .../override/controllers/admin/AdminImportController.php [2] Declaration of AdminImportController::productImport() should be compatible with AdminImportControllerCore::productImport($offset = false, $limit = false, &$crossStepsVariables = false, $validateOnly = false, $moreStep = 0)

Perhaps it is unrelated. I just noticed it.

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It was quite clear that he left the project, but there is one thing that bothers me and I don’t speak for anyone else! Why just patreons are blessed with the right to be enlightened that @mdekker left the project? I suppose no one else deserve to know it, if they don’t donate monthly. I believe there should be pinned topic in the forum, labelled something like :”The one and only developer who developed the fork has left it months ago bacause .....” and the empty space is where the truth should be told. But I really doubt we’ll ever hear the truth here!

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We felt the patreons had a vested interest in knowing. That is why they are released information first.

As for the one and only, that is not true. We have had what, 3 releases since he left? Doubled our market share? It is a shame that he left, but it is hardly the end of the world.

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