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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. Hello Check the module "Custom payment methods". With this it should be possible.
  2. This issue is well known. It has been reported like 20 times... It can only be fixed in the theme:
  3. Is there any real problem? Because this is just a Notice message and looks very harmless. You wouldn't see it, if you switch of debug mode.
  4. I can only guess ofc. But in the past he invested very much time into support for a not very big return. As a merchant I know such requets from daily work. Imagine customer "type A" is asking a lot of question about your products and then (maybe) buys a something for 30$. In the meantime 5 other customers from "type B" bought without any questions/support (some of them maybe even spent a lot bigger amount). Which customer type do you prefer? Of course nobody can expect, to sell only to type B. But maybe the percentage of type A is just too big for him.
  5. I believe it's a problem of the core. We have some similair issues. The problem is the indexing while saving, won't be done for all stores. Try to regenerate the index for all stores under "Preferences" -> "Search"
  6. Thanks for confirmation. I managed to index some products, but the search doesn't really work, to query errors. @kubilay will also look at it. But at the moment I am a bit sceptical, as the search is not near to be working for me.
  7. I know this topic has already popped up multiple times. Still I believe it's very sad, that we have launched a crowdfunding project, which is almost not used. Who is using it on a live or teststore? Who wants to use it, but couldn't make it work? I followed the instructions on https://docs.thirtybees.com/native-modules/elastic-search/, but they are just too unclear to me. If I could make this work for myself, I would improve the docs and probably also the module.
  8. Check your store settings in the BO (Preferences). The controller is called "AdminStores"
  9. Hm, I don't have access to this theme. I believe, you have another file there something like address-tab.tpl. Probably you need to edit this one...
  10. Bro, you probably need to change something there. Can you paste the code of the file here?
  11. Ok maybe my words were not 100% clear. But come one, you have almost 600 posts, you should know, what was meant 😉 To end this puzzle: for themes/panda/pdf/delivery-slip.tpl
  12. 😂 👍
  13. search for themes/webpoint/pdf/delivery-slip.tpl (replace webpoint by your own theme)
  14. Well thats basically what I tried to ask in my post. But in the software there is height and depth as it would be not the same...
  15. I dont get your screenshot. Why is there even a country information on the left side? Checkout for invoice.tpl in your theme. Folder should be "pdf".
  16. So the implementation in tb is just strange 🤨 ok actually it was PS, who did this 🙄
  17. I am a bit puzzled about the product dimension, which you can define under Shippment in the BO. In switzerland we do this like that: "Länge * Breite * Höhe". Translated into english this would be "Length * Width * Height". A possible alternative would probably be "Length * Width * Depth". But in the backoffice it's like: "Width * Height * Depth". Does this make any sense in GB/USA? From my german perspective "Height" and "Depth" are the same, but length is missing 🤨 I know of course that the order of mulitplication doesn't matter. But I wan't to display this information in the FrontOffice. So I want to use them correctly.
  18. Als Moderator kann ich das zumindest nicht. Vielleicht kann es Admin @Traumflug. Wie soll denn der neue Account lauten?
  19. Na this is hard to tell for me. I can only say, that you probably use multiple modules, that are not super clean in their js handling. Probably also the cookie module you use...
  20. If you deactivate the smart cache, it's simpler, to debug from where the issue comes...
  21. Yeah you have multiple console errors (right click in chrome and use inspectation). I would try to deactivate external modules and check again... Dont forget, to delete cache always after changes...
  22. I believe, it doesn't matter at all. I guess, he will fix the core, so that lower/uppercase won't matter anymore. Next time when you update the module, the override will probably be replaced, but I am not 100% sure about it.
  23. I cant watch the video, since I am too lazy to download flash player again. But I believe I understand the issue. Have you checked the browser console?
  24. That was actually my point from above 😉 Good, we could finally make this work 🙂
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