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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. Well I don't know exactly. But I believe you aren't deleting then the files on your ftp. Or you are deleting them in a wrong folder. I would bet if you delete another file than history.tpl you have the same issue...
  2. I tried to improve it a bit: https://github.com/eschiendorfer/thirtybees/commits/ImproveImapSync There was a bug. It was not possible that your order messages got updated in the customer service trough IMAP Sync. I fixed this. Probably I will make PullRequest soon. If somebody has any issues/improvement ideas for customer service, it's time to bring them up now.
  3. Probably nothing too bad happens. But you should still return something: if (!$this->isLogged) { return ''; } Of course you can also use something: "You will see payment methods after saving your address".
  4. I have such a phrase in controllers/front/OrderOpcController.php. In general I wouldn't recommend you, to change it there... But for a fast fix, it might work.
  5. I believe you can change this under translation in backoffice. You should check for error messages or so.
  6. Maybe a bit too fast to conclude, but I believe the current bleeding edge version is the most stable version, that 1.6 ps and tb has ever seen! Thanks to all that contributed to this! Especially @Traumflug @datakick and @lesley
  7. Yeah if the IMAP settings are correct, the emails will be imported (depending on configuration) into the customer service. This is especially helpful, if you get answers. But maybe also if you wan't to have all customer messages in one place.
  8. @led24ee @DRMasterChief Thanks for your answer! But you guys really scare me 😆 Edit: not knowing your own creds, is quite shameful 😂 Connection works now. I will play a bit around...
  9. But does synchronization start in tb for you? I can't even make it start.
  10. Does anyone use the customer service IMAP sync? Does this work for you? What does this function exactly do? I try to get a better overview over customer questions, complaints and so on...
  11. Ah wait, you are using ASM aren't you? We have had some strange issue somewhere too. I can't remember exactly right now what it was...
  12. Oh I have seen multiple guys giving up prestashop because of carrier setup. I have you tried to disable all overrides & external modules int the settings? This is quite useful to understand the issue.
  13. I fixed this: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/pull/1133 Btw: I updated today to newest bleeding edge. Who else did?
  14. Up (because this is an important question)
  15. I dont use it. I use cloudflare for this.
  16. What I am talking about is the BO. That's just the controller name you need to search in the admin Menu. I don't use english language so I don't know how this Menu Points are called...
  17. There is more email information in controller=AdminContacts
  18. I never installed tb as I came over from prestashop. But maybe you mean what is in controller=AdminStores?
  19. I am not sure, maybe this a feature of the mail alerts module. At least I don't get any order confirmations mail as a merchant.
  20. Yeah that's true. In ASM you have different values for stock (real_quantitiy, physical_quantity and usable quantity). We also never get complete orders. In ASM supply orders you can add part deliveries. I really don't remember, what works out of the box and what did I implement for us. But stock management is so critical for us, that I invest a lot of time in it. Next project is, to use barcode scanner and change to chaotic storage system.
  21. Why so? Are your sales down in this time? Yeah I completly agree on your tipps. Most merchants use too many modules...
  22. The question is always a bit, what 1.1.x means. In general our store works also pretty good right now. That's why I don't make any upgrade right now. Christmas is the time, most merchants increase their revenue. So I think december is not the best time to release/install an upgrade.
  23. This module shows basically how to extend a controller list from a module: https://github.com/thirtybees/orderlistcarriers/blob/master/orderlistcarriers.php
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