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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. I believe, thats actually what he was asking for. I don't think he has multiple installation...
  2. I don't know exactly in which cases this files get updated. But I am quite sure, that it updates, when you save url settings. For htaccess you should just add your custom code below that: # ~~end~~ Do not remove this comment, thirty bees will keep automatically the code outside this comment when .htaccess will be generated again
  3. I just tested like you did: 1. change exchange rate manually 2. call the cron url. It works perfectly here...
  4. Yeah I am using this module. I believe it's working. At least my exchange rates are looking pretty good.
  5. @datakick amazing! This works like charm (with new reviews) 😎
  6. Has anyone also the Smiley Problem? A lot of our customer use smileys on their review and the module seems to output it as "?"... @datakick is there any easy solution for this?
  7. What type do you use in this settings? In the past I had it on "both". But then I noticed, that most user get/answer the html and a few the txt version. Is there any risk if I just chose html? Will the guys, who received txt before, receive html or nothing at all?
  8. Multiple themes would be an overkill in my opinion. We have such little issues quite often. We use just use some {if $shop->id==1} conditions, to solve such things. Not super clean, but works pretty well.
  9. It can happen when the token is outadated/wrong.
  10. @Chandra I don't think. For what purpose exactly, do you guys need an external ERP System?
  11. When I last time looked at it (maybe two years ago), I concluded that such ERP Systems are oversized for our needs. I decided to modify tb in a way, that it fits us perfect. That's basically what I do on my daily job and it works pretty well. So for my side, there is no (more) an interest in such a connector or whatever 😊
  12. wakabayashi


    Thanks. But tbh I don't care about this discord, since I can directly contact to the main actors of tb... I will wait and see with what you guys come up 👍
  13. wakabayashi


    Nope. I said in PN ("what shit is this" about discord). It was enough to immediately get banned 🤣 Well maybe it's not a good idea, to give people power with like 15 forum posts...
  14. wakabayashi


    Lol I got banned from the discord channel by @AnnaLisik. Ok: then good luck to all of you 😉
  15. wakabayashi


    I don't have a concrete concept yet. Right now it's more like a poll, to check how big the potential is. I want to see, how many "serious" merchants are we, who would invest 50$ (or more) into this project. A rough idea is like this. We actually still use a crowdfunding project and bring back the feature request, but with incentives. Golden Supporter with at least 50$/month can add features request and vote for feature request. Normal Supporter below 50$/month can vote for feature request. Non supporter will have access to full open source code, but they won't have any influence in the direction of the project. For this to be happen, the pool of golden supporter have to be big enough. So we can hire good devs like (Petr or Markus) for the jobs. That's why I now want to check the potential. This won't be easy at all and won't solve all problems, but maybe it brings some life back. Problems I see: Feature requests vary a lot. Golden Supporters have to "organize" their ideas. Which issues do we all have and which issues are just issues for 1 merchant. Feature requests need to be concrete. It won't be enough to say: "Stock management is bad. Make it better.". The devs need to exactly now, what we expect from them. This voting system / feature request system won't come from god... Feedbacks on the idea are welcome.
  16. wakabayashi


    Right. It's why I have thrown in the 50$/month Freemium model. In my post, I list everyone, who is ready to commit such an amount. Right now we are only 2 persons. Ofc the concept needs to be done much clearer, but if we can not even reach 10 people who say: "oh yeah thats in my budget". Then I don't even beginn to think deeper about it.
  17. Maybe you are on a big listed on a list as a spammer!? You also should checkout, if happens with all emails or only with some email providers.
  18. wakabayashi


    Even it’s probably not important at all, I will give now my view on things... Since months thirty bees is without a real lead. Since the health issue of Lesley, he has disappeared almost completely. But the problems began already earlier. Remember there was once co-initiator Michael, who suddenly left. As far as I know he gave up his company shares. See the source above. Technically he was replaced by Markus. But Markus never seem to got shares of the company. As far as I know he got some payments, but not near the market cost. Not too surprisingly Markus stopped to work too. Then there was only Petr left. Check out his posts, but in general he worked under even worse condition: a lot of support and commits/fixes for free. I see a pattern in this three cases. While thirty bees revenues were growing, the spendings for development were (probably) decreasing. Now we are all in a ship, that is just driving randomly on the sea. Lesley can’t lead the project anymore as he states himself, all major Devs are gone. No one is in sight. There are only three possible outcomes now: 1. Thirty bees is taken over Is the first scenario realistic? I have my doubts, especially when reading that the offered price for the company was 30 times, what Petr would have considered to invest. I am quite sure, that the valuation was not done properly. I would guess, that the income was used to calculate, but almost no costs. As it would be realistic that devs are always working for low or even no wages. As other already pointed out: the value of thirty bees can’t be very high right now. The code is open source. The value would be the brand, the amount of merchants and mainly the free cash flow. With such a solution I also wonder, who would even be the developper? Hard to imagine that Michael or Markus come back in this scenario. And Petr? Well this post is in his goodbye thread, so... 2. A new fork Some off you seem to think of forking this project again. Yeah it’s possible, but almost all off you, have no idea, what it means. It’s so much work, which again has to be done. Just creating a new fork doesn’t solve the problems. IMO a new fork would need multiple faces, that are ready to invest a lot of time, to maybe make money multiple years later. I read too many “I could do that” or even “this and that should be done”. Where have you been, when testers were needed for new tb versions/commits? Who of you has written documentations? Who of you has written concepts, how features should be redesigned and not only “the feature is bad/not working”? It’s not my goal to offend any off you, but it’s just hard to believe, that we suddenly have a dozen off guys, who will invest multiple hours a week for tb for free. I also see best chances in the proposed freemium system of @rubben1985. But are we enough merchants, which are willing to spend 50 (or more) dollars a month? And even more important: can we hire the right people with this money? Remember money is not the main problem of thirty bees... People who would be ready to pay 50$/month: @wakabayashi @Briljander @rubben1985 @Smile @vincentdenkspel @dynambee 3. The project dies and all merchants have to find their own way of handling it Option three is of course not very attractive. It’s the reason why this thread got hot so quickly 😉 Even if I share a lot of opinions with @toplakd. I am surprised how you can stay so relaxed. In my opinion every ecommerce company needs to get better daily. As I like to say: “You are either the shark of the ocean, or the fish of the ocean!”. We are probably all fishes. Ecommerce has become so hard last years. Some of you might remember @alwayspaws. Even if she was very active here and dedicated a lot of time to here online store, the business never really took off. I know some merchants who made good money by selling smartphone covers years ago. Now you can buy them for 2$ on wish. This niche is just dead. I could go on with with hundreds of such examples, but that wouldn’t help. Thinking “my shop is working now fine, I am safe” is in my opinion too risky. Even if I have to say a fish, at least I don’t want to get eaten by shark. For this I need to develop my shop further and further. Customer get used to the level/features that sharks like amazon offer. Your search/filters suck? Probably you will lose a lot of potential customers. Your mobile version suck? You are probably soon out of the game. Yeah this examples are not new, but new things will come again and we as a shop owner need to go on too. Most merchant’s here have no chance to technically handle that their own.
  19. wakabayashi


    @Briljander The cash is mainly coming in trough ads revenue, as far as I know.
  20. wakabayashi


    Hello @datakick It's really sad to read this 😭 I don't know, what this means for the project (maybe the end), but I understand your decision. It's really not up to you alone, to drive this project forward. I want to thank you a lot for your work/time, that you invested for free! I learnt so much from you! 👍 Are you leaving ecommerce as a whole or are you still coding modules and doing customize jobs? Regards Emanuel
  21. Hm I checked the url and understand now, that you don't even see the login page. I thought you will get a white screen after you try to login. Maybe this thread from ps forum can help you: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/592769-admin-login-blank-page/
  22. Try to delete your cookies. This could help!
  23. Thanks for the warm words regarding one of my shops 🙂 Interesting because, since a few weeks I am no more that convinced, that my site is super fast or well designed ^^ But ok maybe I am just too ambitious. I am thinking of completly rewrite "my" theme. I believe, there is still room for improvements 🙂 Actually @Traumflug said everything, that is relevant: Get a serious hosting package. We have a dedicated server (unmanaged) and pay 70$/month. If you can't afford this, you have probably more important things to improve, than the loading time. Technically I use css/js caching and APC server side caching. Full Page Cache is completly deactived. Deactivate css and js caching in Bo. Use browser console and check which files are loaded. How big are they? Are they really needed? Check your Content. Do you really need the tags on left column? You really need to promote your local store there? For external modules, check them with profiling in BO, how much they slow down... Defer images, if they are below the fold In general I would say, that the page loading time is one of the strengths of thirty bees.
  24. @Chandra oh ok interesting. As I said this is just my own "solution". In my case it's wanted, that customer can order 5, if we have only 4 left. But he shouldn't been able to order 1 if 0 is left. I know very strange 🤣
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