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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. Oh... I forgot it's a homework... :) So if I were you would simply switch to Wordpress+Woocommerce+Fancy product designer.... It has most of what ~~everything~~ you need - the only issue - it's WP... :)
  2. If somebody can write for you a module that have this functionality where you choose the sticker placement and design and probably make few modifications to the design - it will be the best. I have not seen ANY decent quality custom design module for PS and TB (I mean like to make own custom Tshirts, prints, etc)... The other workarround I proposed will be tons of work. If I understand your idea - you need your designs to be with the shape of some car panel, let's say fender, then on top of this shape the customer can add custom design so you can print the foil and send it out? In the case I propose you have to split your catalog in brands, then models, then car parts and for each of them you can add different attributes with dropdown menu which can change the design in the product page (in each combo you can have different color, different design, etc). But imagine you have 250 car models with 5-6 parts per model and then 10-15 designs... A work for whole year to put this in your site.... And after that you will have to manually do the designs for printing/cutting...
  3. Why you need your colors in the desc? How will you proceed if one of those runs out? - every time edit the desc of each product?! Use attributes and stock managment for that. All colors will be visible to both users and even better google will know that there are different combinations for this product.
  4. You don't need GAPI in order to use G analytics on your site... Regarding the issue you're having - do you receive no or little info in your analytics profile? Or what?
  5. The feature present in TB and PS is very far from what you need. The core may be there but in order to get the checkout process to understand what does it mean and how to calculate stuff will be nightmare. @lesley was reffering to the code somebody will need to write for you to redo 1/3 of the functionality of the shop - front end, product pages, checkout process, backend - orders controller, stock managment.... lol... I would invest time in the only possible workaround - divide your shop in categories based on brand, model, then part where the sticker should go and making different products for each one...
  6. Just always make manual backup of your DB and files because there's no turning back! :D (in case you miss your PS... bur I doubt that!)
  7. I have not seen any module for this in PS or TB.... It will require a lot of custom code for sure...
  8. I had the same problem after the patch. It simply did not install to the end - the native modules were all turned on and I had to manually fix all of them (uninstall not needed, install needed) in order to get it to work. Latest Warehouse for 1.6 and I think 1.0.6 at the time of install...
  9. As I said - use one of the recaptcha modules - the one of TB also has recaptch on all forms, including BO so this can be one more level of protection for your BO. There's also one free PS module which is compatible but it only covers the contact form. You will exerience a rapid decline of your spam... :) (to be read as zero spam)... nobody will manually spam with your site be sure in that...
  10. Install the recaptcha module. I personally won't buy anything from shop without contact us page and company info...
  11. Can we modify the code of the module so when some color is selected in it the module to switch all cover images of the products with this selected color (of course if the combination has image associated with it)?
  12. I have the same issue - google search console is looking for home... :) @lesley can you merge this fix and make new version of the module?
  13. Hmm.. I missed this new feature. Sorry guys it's the right decision. :)
  14. I'm using the default scheme w/o id_product... Yes, if we keep PS'es way everything is working as expected but this system was introduced to get rid of exactly the ID in urls... so I consider this a bug...
  15. At the moment we can create 2 products with the same URL structure (same name, same category, etc). Both are visible in BO, the category but when we click and open the second it's not opened but we get redirected to the first. It would be nice if the system checks if there's another product with the same URL and assigne number in the end. That way such duplicates will be imposible and the numbers will play little penalty because they will appear only occasionally.
  16. Here we have agency which is responsible to protect customer rights and a private person can't sue the merchant for such idiotic things like missing info on their site, etc. They can summon this agency and their people file a case against the merchant and investigate. If they find the merchant guilty then the fine is paid to the budget not to the customer. Their product/money should be fixed but with no profit if the merchant is guilty... We're very far away from EU compiance in Bulgaria so it's very curious why only Deutch merchants are so afriad of their law (in contrast to UK, France, Spaint, etc...).
  17. So... just wait a second... A lawyer or a person can sue some company for money for not displaying the shipping time of some product on 1000 places in their shop?!?! This is crazy. If such requirement is set by law the responsibe side for bringing companies to court should only be the government through some of it's agencies...
  18. This is very strange because such requirements are in force to protect the customers. If I get it right the competitors are trying to soak the non-complient rivals against the goverment. This happens here in Bulgaria too but not at all at that level.
  19. I'm just curious if you as German merchants had direct contact with the agency that's responsible for controlling the online shops and if they manage to apply those strict requirements effectevly? If I have to show all that info on each and every page of my shop it's better to close it off...
  20. I'm having the following issue (it's present both in PS and TB). When I want to use accented symbols in my URLs the link I have with layered navigation applied gets trunkated to # sign every time. I found a solution when using features - you must reindex your URL index but it does not work for URL containing manufacturers in it. Like the following: https://www.izleznavun.com/%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BA%D0%B8#/%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB-zajo - I have it in my homepage slider (2nd slide) and when you click on it the layered navigation filter is removed and all products before the # are displayed. It's working perfectly for URLs containing only English letters. More info here: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/325818-block-layered-pagination-problem/
  21. For me right now tb is fast enough with just the working caching mechanisms. If you add php7.2 with some fixes for the current themes w/o need to fix themes it will be enough. Full page caching is a good thing but if I have to check daily if 10 things are broken or not it's not going to be turned on. Great work guys!
  22. The Full caching is still broken as of 1.0.7 so disable it and continue with your site.
  23. Very strange... I don't have it in Possitions at all. Have to check with google... :(
  24. I tried twice (today and when I created this thred). Both times with zero success. And today I noticed that the hook is not visible in Possitions menu at all. Which is very strange. When I open FrontController it's there. Can you check if you see DisplayHeader in your possitions with 1.0.6 or any other version? I tried ps and tb version of My account block which must add the "Login" tab and profile items there. The footer one is working perfect.
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