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[Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews


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Revws - Reviews module

This topic is here to offer support for revws module. Continuation of this topic



Download: you can download this module here

Demo: you can test revws module on my demo account Front Office / Back Office

Bugs and feature requests: if you find any problem, or if you would like to see some new functionality, please add it to issue tracker on github.

Additional resources

  • revwsrecent - very simple module to display recent reviews in tab on your homepage
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@slick_303 said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews:

How does one go about changing the css? I tried coping front.css to /mytheme/css/modules/revws, but that didnt seem to work.

I don't see that option in revws.php, I recommend you change function hookHeader to read.... ``` public function hookHeader() { if (fileexists(PSTHEMEDIR."css/modules/{$this->name}/{$this->name}.css")) { $this->context->controller->addCSS(PSTHEMEDIR."css/modules/{$this->name}/{$this->name}.css", 'all'); } else { $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->path.'views/css/front.css', 'all'); } $this->context->controller->addCSS('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,400,500', 'all'); }

``` this way a person can overright the css by coping revws/views/css/front.css to /mytheme/css/module/revws/revws.css file and modify it.

I would also suggest, maybe, you do something similar so we can change the tpl files as well.

Can I talk ya into changing the my-account.tpl icon-star to icon-comment? I think it looks better this way, and is more applicable. IMO

Nice module, BTW!

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Is there a way to import the current reviews from the stock Product Comments module?

No, currently not. I'll look what I can do

I hope I'm not being to forward, but I forked your module, and made a couple of Pull Requests, do with what you will....

Awesome! Thanks @SLiCK_303 . That's why it's an open source, so anyone can contribute

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ReferenceError: startRevws is not defined[Learn More] index.php:936:2 The character encoding of a framed document was not declared. The document may appear different if viewed without the document framing it. admin-theme.js The character encoding of a framed document was not declared. The document may appear different if viewed without the document framing it. enquire.min.js

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@datakick said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews:

New version 1.0.2 has been released. You can now migrate review and criteria settings from native product comments module.

Very cool, but I dont see a way to do that in the settings, am I missing something?

It also looks like you can change the icon (icon-star) to something else in the settings, but again, I dont see where to do that.

edit: Neeeevermind, I had to do a refresh of the setting page in my browser to get those options to come up. Thanx again for the great module.

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@chandra said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews:

Let me create a test instance since I don't have one right now. I will get it to you end of the day since I am out at the moment. Many thanks.

I can't create a test instance yet since it redirects to the main site and I need to verify the redirects.

However here is the offending line per the debugger if it gives any clues, thanks.

ReferenceError: startRevws is not defined[Learn More] index.php:936:2 https://shop.xxxxxxx.com/adminxxx/index.php:936:2

``` Please wait...


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thanks @chandra, unfortunately that didn't help much. The problem is that the javascript file (back_app.js) with the application is not loaded into your page, for some reason. It's probably issue with url (possibly caused by your multistore configuration), or it could be problem with your server settings (for example some .htaccess rule that prevents downloading this file), or anything else. I can't really tell without access to your backoffice. If you manage to set up test instance, let me know. Thank you

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