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thirty bees 1.1.0 Preview

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Thanks, I'll install this on a test server post-haste.  BTW, I've been trying to do this for the past couple days anyways, pulling things off git, with no success.  Hopefully this will install, as my attempts it would not.  I'm excited to see the new theme, niara.....

edit: Installed fine. Getting into BO>Modules and Services seems to be taking a long time, sometimes.

Edited by SLiCK_303
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I have found the cause of it.

order-carrier.tpl lines 62-67. for some reason lines 65-67 popped out of the foreach loop.


{foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier}
{if isset($carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang])}
  <br>{l s='Delivery time:'}&nbsp;{$carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang]|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}


Should be:


{foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier}
  {if isset($carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang])}
    <br>{l s='Delivery time:'}&nbsp;{$carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang]|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}
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10 hours ago, yaniv14 said:

I have found the cause of it.

order-carrier.tpl lines 62-67. for some reason lines 65-67 popped out of the foreach loop.


{foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier}
{if isset($carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang])}
  <br>{l s='Delivery time:'}&nbsp;{$carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang]|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}


Should be:


{foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier}
  {if isset($carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang])}
    <br>{l s='Delivery time:'}&nbsp;{$carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang]|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}

With new version of tb there comes new version of smarty, which changes how things works sometimes.

In old version of smarty, $carrier variable would hold value of last item after the {foreach} cycle has ended. So the original template code worked, but it just Delivery time for the last carrier in the list only.

New version of smarty works the same, *unless* $carrier variable is defined before the {foreach} cycle starts. If $carrier variable already existed in global scope, then after {foreach} cycle ends, the original value is recovered. 

With this changed semantics the template no longer works. I'm not sure what the intention of this code in this template was. But it looks very likely that @yaniv14 is right, and that author really meant to do show delivery time for all carries. 

So to fix this particular case, we can

  1. use yaniv's proposed fix - this would change template output, but that's probably correct 
  2. rename iteration variable from $carrier to something else. This would keep the template output the same

I vote for #1




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Since a couple of people are already testing the release, can you test a new functional module that I just made public that will be in the release. 

Here is the module, https://github.com/thirtybees/thememanager/releases/tag/1.0.2 

It only works if you are using both the Niara theme and the 1.1.0 release candidate. 

What the module does is add a new tab to the back office product pages, as seen in the screenshot below. 



Right now there is only one other template, it is the product wide template. It requires you to add a new image type, that will be added in the installer on the final release. But make sure you add a new image type called product_wide that is 400px tall and 1200px wide. 


Over the next day or two I am going to add more template files to the theme. The module is set to work on category pages, cms pages, and product pages. So you can create different look and feels on a per page level. I really think this will open up a lot of new possibilities for themes in thirty bees. 


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Installed onto my new CentOS7 server and the system seems to work well. Webservice working as with earlier versions. My custom modules also seem to work without any issues.

Found a couple of minor design issues:

  • Front office create new account, "Mr. & Mrs." options are not aligned
  • On page 4 of checkout can't click on the small circles to select the carrier. Must click on the carrier description. Should be able to click on both, and ideally those little circles should be a bit bigger as many customers will try to click on them (as I did, and thought I couldn't choose the carrier at all.)

I'll keep testing things out over the coming days and see what comes up.

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8 hours ago, dynambee said:

Found a couple of minor design issues:

  • Front office create new account, "Mr. & Mrs." options are not aligned
  • On page 4 of checkout can't click on the small circles to select the carrier. Must click on the carrier description. Should be able to click on both, and ideally those little circles should be a bit bigger as many customers will try to click on them (as I did, and thought I couldn't choose the carrier at all.)

I created git issues for both of these....

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Thanks @SLiCK_303 and @lesley, I will test out the fixes later today my local time.

I have found a couple of other issues with the carriers page in the checkout as well, and have opened a git issue about them.

In short though, the "delivery time" is not displayed correctly for each carrier. The delivery time for the first carrier is displayed for all carriers.

The second issue is that the price column doesn't align properly.

Here are the same images that I posted in the git issue:






A big thank you to the dev team for all the hard work that has gone into this release. It's looking really good!



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