Been waiting a long time for some of the enhancements to come to fruition, especially a one page checkout that isn’t outdated like the current one and a modern theme.
This is something I actually talked about on slack yesterday with @wakabayashi There is a cost associated with every change we make. Not a monetary cost, but a real world functionality cost. The feature we were talking about is the multiple features values per feature in a product. There is a cost associated with adding that to the core. Does it work with the layered navigation properly? I am not sure it does. If we added that and broke the layered nav, we would then have to fix that. But then we would run into a problem. Most themes actually ship with layered nav overrides. @wakabayashi theme did. Our default theme does. But us making changes would leave people using 3rd party themes with broken functionality.
The same goes with the checkout. Adding that functionality in will break all existing themes, giving users no real option to use it other than to use it with our default theme.
Our plan is to keep 1.0.x compatible with 1.6.x of prestashop. Then at the beginning of the year start focusing on a 1.1.x branch with a set of changes. At that time we will have to figure out what all we will be breaking and what we are going to try to maintain compatibility with.