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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. @Purity Was the topic in the old forum? The url structure changed and the redirects aren't done yet.
  2. @nickon yes and thats why I like the approach from Traumflug. He develops a new updater, that allows more stability for the future. He is testing stuff a lot before its released. Shouldn't we all focus mainly on stability? New features or design improvements should be second IMO. And for checkout: that's the most crucial part. I don't want a dev to rush there something. 😉
  3. Good point about the module form @datakick! I completly forgot about it. Is it still on progress? To hire a good dev, is more complicated than one might think. Have you ever tried it? I once tried it for the krona module. The result of this is: 3 years later I am a coder myself 😄 That's not the only example. Remember the elasticsearch module, which was crowdfunded? The dev know the system very well and was a talented coder. (Much better than mysel ofc). But who uses the module now in practice? For who is it working?
  4. @nickon I know that it's possible to customize a checkout with css & js. I have done it myself in an extensive way. But when we say, that we should improve checkout, everybody has it's own opinon, what is perfect. For example: @DRMasterChief says that 90% of his customers order by guest checkout. On our shop we don't even allow this. When you techically look at the checkout, you will see a mess. It's not easy to improve it for now. Thats why: Merchants should do it like you did. Improve their checkout with css and js, so that they have a decent checkout for now.
  5. The Problem with such topics is also the manpower. Traumflug is investing a lot of time into the new updater (which will be great). Lesley is doing Marketing stuff and did the new forum as you can see. Datakick helps, where he can (Forum & Bugfixes). There is not much left for now. With this situation you can not work on multiple big topics in my opinion. For now the updater & bugfixes has the priority.
  6. Schwer zu sagen. Ich hatte noch kein solches Problem. Welche Url Struktur nutzt du? Hast du mal versucht Externe Module und Overrides zu deaktivieren? Das kannst du bequem unter "Leistung" machen. So kannst du den Fehler eventuell eingrenzen.
  7. https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1505-1505/free-module-loyalty-points-genzo_krona/
  8. @CoffeeGuy If you can't make it work. You can send me a PN with ftp access and I will take a short look.
  9. But the file needs to be there... Here is the official github repo: https://github.com/thirtybees/homefeatured/tree/master/views/templates/hook
  10. Ah sorry its not broken 😄 just the link you sent above, was not working...
  11. Your site seems to be broken now :S
  12. Did it work out? Shouldn't be too hard... Just normal html editing.
  13. You could just change the tpl file: modules/homefeatured/views/templates/hook/homefeatured.tpl But be carefull, if you change the original file, the change will be lost after an upgrade.
  14. IMHO this isn't a good solution in your case. To show (and load!) all products on homepage only makes sense if you have like only 20 products. In your case I would stay with the popular and add a big button below: "See all our products". The link goes to the category you showed...
  15. I thought he still wants to use it and just take the title away... But ok his mind anyway changed 🙂 @CoffeeGuy To change the name you should go under. Translations and change it...
  16. you are not at the right place...
  17. What modules do you have in there?
  18. Maybe it works to remove the module from the "displayHomeTab" hook. (I haven't tested)
  19. I export a list with our stock values, then count it by hand and compare the values. Afterwards I make the corrections in the shop.
  20. I am not sure, what you exactly want. But maybe advanced stock management is worth to consider. There you have physical and real stock quantities... Physical is the stock you have at warehouse and real is the stock you still can sell.
  21. Hm ok. I don't know, if this will work well. Normally when people ask this, they just want to install a testshop. Then I always advise to use a subdomain.
  22. @datakick It works good on my site! Thx a lot. I just wondered if it would be a lot of work to add the same for profilling? When I try to optimize the speed of a website I turn this on. It gives quite nice information, but ofc it shouldn't be loaded for real visitors/customers.
  23. But will this shop use the same domain?
  24. Hm meine Version hat das nicht... Das könnte dann aber wirklich der Grund sein!
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